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Unit III





Goa is one of the smallest states in India's map, with a territory of 3,702 sq km. Goan culture is a blend of Indian and Iberian: European style central squares and Indian bazaars, Portuguese churches sharing their walls with Hindu temples.

Christianity and Hinduism exist side by side here. Having been ruled by the colonial Portuguese for over 450yrs, there is still a distinctive European flavor that has permeated all aspects of Goa's Travel life including its food, religion, language, festivals, dances and names.

Goa is rich in folk culture with a delightful blend of vigorous Konkani folk songs and remnants of Portuguese dance and music. Goa is best known for its spectacular beaches, but there are many old churches, monuments, temples and museums, that are a must see. Goa is very proud of the numerous churches dotted across this Indian state. Along with churches there are also many ancient Hindu temples.

Goa is a land to enjoy the sun, sand and sea. It has many spectacular beaches. The very mention of beaches, one thinks of the palm fringed seashore with golden sandy stretches, incessant waves, free flowing drinks and mouth-watering delicacies. The beaches of Goa are the main draw, which attract the tourists worldwide to this small state.

The wonderful handicrafts of Goa are a must buy for everybody. Brassware, terracotta, shell work, crochets, carved furniture, bamboo work, papier-mache, etc make excellent souvenir and are available at shops and stalls near the popular tourist spots.

Goa is a perfect place for sightseeing tour. Every corner of this tropical paradise displays a fine blend of traditional and modern aspects of life. On one hand you have the most alluring natural charms where as on the other hand you have an excellent array of architectural masterpieces, which are dotted in various towns of the state. Hence, a sightseeing trip to Goa is very important to behold various treasures of the state.

Vocabulary hunt

- To be a blend of

- To exist side by side

- To be ruled by

- To permeate (imbue, penetrate, pervade, saturate)

- To be rich in (culture, traditions…)

- Vigorous (energetic, powerful, exuberant, hearty, vital)

- Remnant (leftover part)

- Spectacular (impressive, dazzling, dramatic, marvelous, staggering)

- To be fringed with

- Incessant (persistent, unceasing, continual)

- Mouth-watering (appetizing, appealing, delicious, alluring)

- Delicacy

- To be the main draw

- Handicraft

- To be a must buy for smb.

- Brassware (articles made from brass)

- Terracotta

- Shell work

- Crochet

- Carved furniture

- Bamboo work

- To display (show, demonstrate)

- To have an excellent array of smth.

- To be dotted in (be situated in)

- To behold (see, observe, witness)


Ø Match the words from the text with their meanings.

1. Delicacy a) a particular skill or art performed with the hands, such as weaving, pottery, etc
2. Handicraft b) endowed with bodily or mental strength or vitality; robust
3. Remnant c) to decorate or form (something) by cutting or chipping
4. Vigorous d) work made by crocheting
5. Incessant e) something that is considered choice to eat, such as caviar
6. To carve f) to disclose or make evident; reveal
7. Crochet g) a part left over after use, processing, etc
8. To display h) not ceasing; continual


Ø Match the two parts of the sentences to make them correct.

1. Goan culture is a blend of Indian and Iberian: a. a delightful blend of vigorous Konkani folk songs and remnants of Portuguese dance and music.
2. Having been ruled by the colonial Portuguese for over 450yrs, b. displays a fine blend of traditional and modern aspects of life.
3. Goa is rich in folk culture with c. European style central squares and Indian bazaars
4. Goa is best known for its spectacular beaches, but d. there are many old churches, monuments, temples and museums, that are a must see.
5. Goa is very proud of the numerous churches e. there is still a distinctive European flavor that has permeated all aspects of Goa's Travel life
6. Every corner of this tropical paradise f. dotted across this Indian state.


Ø What is Goa rich in? What can you discover and experience there?

Ø What is the craft tradition of your country? Do Russian craftsmen cater to (satisfy) all local needs?

Ø Does handicraft contribute to the economic growth of your country?

Ø What is the main draw of Russia?

Ø What mouth-watering food can tourists try in Russia?

Ø What cultures and religions exist in Russia side by side?

Ø What is more exciting from your point of view to visit India or Russia? Why?

Ø Work with your partner. Discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of visiting Goa.

Ø Create 10 questions about Goa and practice them with your partner.

Ø Would you like to live in Goa? Why?

Ø Watch the video about Goa and say what you can enjoy there.



Vocabulary hunt

- To soak in the sun

- To frolic on the beach (to frisk)

- To cruise down the river

- To explore forests

- To unravel history

- To indulge oneself in every way

- To have fun

- To be blessed with gorgeous flora and fauna

- Buoyant (dynamic, cheerful, lively, zealous, fervent)

- To get high on an adrenalin rush

- To try parasailing, waterskiing, scuba diving

- To discover the majesty of smth.


Ø Imagine that you are creating a booklet about Goa. Write an attractive for the tourists text for your brochure.

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