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Expedition Cruising



Antarctica and the High Arctic are two of the last great untouched wildernesses on Earth. A trip to one of these spectacular locations will take you on the ultimate adventure of a lifetime – to a land of white natural beauty, mesmerising emptiness and wonderful wildlife. Wander amongst the penguins in Antarctica or whale watch from your zodiac boat before jumping aboard your expedition ship to listen to our polar experts. There's no greater adventure than travelling to the ends of the earth.


Vocabulary hunt

- Untouched wildernesses

- Spectacular locations (miraculous, splendid, prodigious)

- To take smb. on the ultimate adventure of a lifetime

- Mesmerising emptiness and wonderful wildlife

- To wander


Ø What can you witness during a polar cruise? Watch the video and say.




Ø Why can it be heart-stopping to witness untouched wildernesses?


Ø What kind of tourists can choose this kind of adventure from your point of view?


Ø Why are the cruises so popular? Give reasons.


Ø Do you think that people who like cruises look dangers in the face? What are the jeopardies of travelling by ship?

Ø What can you discover at the North Pole?

Active verbs on the topic:

- To explore - To enjoy
- To investigate - To whoosh
- To witness - To face
- To chase - To risk
- To discover - To challenge
- To experience - To dare
- To encounter - To take the bull by the horns
- To meet - To venture

Ø Tell the other students what you can do on different kinds of Holidays.


Active topical adjectives:

- Gorgeous - Heart-stopping
- Splendid - Impressive
- Stunning - Magnificent
- Amazing - Overwhelming
- Astonishing - Spine-tingling
- Awe-inspiring - Thrilling
- Hair-raising - Astounding
- Heart-stirring - Breathtaking
- Prodigious - Miraculous


Ø Describe your best holiday experience. Share your feelings and emotions.

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