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Astronomy Tours


Look to the skies. Whether you want to experience the power of a total eclipse, chase a meteor shower or see the wondrous Northern Lights, join an astronomy tour and witness some of the most extraordinary astronomical events off earth. Follow acclaimed astronomer Dr John Mason, as he guides you through the stars at night. Travel to wild and remote destinations in search of clear skies and breathtaking environments. And enjoy exciting activities by day. Our ‘out of this world’ trips for everyone, from avid astronomers to amateur star gazers.


Vocabulary hunt


- To experience the power of a total eclipse

- To chase a meteor shower

- To see the wondrous Northern Lights

- To join an astronomy tour

- To witness some of the most extraordinary astronomical events off earth

- An acclaimed astronomer

- To travel to wild and remote destinations in search of clear skies and breathtaking environments

- Avid astronomer / eager, greedy

- Amateur star gazers


Ø What is the best thing about the astronomy tour? Watch the video and answer this question.


Ø What is the most exciting thing about the space?

Ø Northern Lights are one of the most affecting and awe-inspiring spectacles in the world. Have ever cared how they form?

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