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Tourism and travel survey

Ø Choose questions from below and write 5 of your own survey questions. Then talk to 5 students & write their responses.

Example questions:

1. Do you want to preserve elephants? Why?

2. What makes you angry when you go to a temple?

3. What is your favorite tourism destination?

a) the beach b) the mountains c) another country d) other

4. Are you polite to the sellers when souvenirs are very expensive?

5. Have you ever been on an elephant ride? Where?


Your Questions Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5


Ø Write a short report after you have talked to five people. For example: Most students want to preserve elephants because they think they are unique. etc........

Ø Here are the survey questions. Discuss them in pairs and decide what a poll it might be. Give reasons.

1. In your adult life, have you ever traveled, worked and/or studied outside your home country for more than 3 months at a time?

a) Yes

b) No

2. Have you ever lived (traveled, worked and/or studied) outside your home country for a period longer than 18 months?

a) Yes

b) No

3. In how many countries have you traveled or taken any vacation for longer than 5 nights during the past 12 months?

a) none

b) 1

c) 2-3

d) 4 or more countries

4. How likely is it that you will travel to another country in the next 12 months?

a) unlikely

b) possible

c) likely

d) certain

5. In how many countries are you thinking or planning to travel to during the NEXT 12 months?

a) none or uncertain

b) 1

c) 2-3

d) 4 or more countries

6. How many languages do you speak fluently or near fluently? (excluding computer languages)

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4 or more

7. How many languages do you understand with some facility or fluency? (excluding computer languages)

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4 or more

8. After age 18, how many languages have you studied? (independently, enrolled in courses, etc.)

a) 0

b) 1

c) 2

d) 3 or more

9. Is English your native language?

a) Yes

b) No

10. Your Sex

a) Female

b) Male

11. Your Age

a) 18-27

b) 28-44

c) 45-62

e) Over 63

12. You live in

a) USA

b) Canada

c) UK or Ireland

d) Europe (Continental, other EU)

e) Australia/New Zealand

f) Other (World)


Perth is the capital and largest city of the Australian state of Western Australia. It is the fourth most populous city in Australia, with an estimated population of 1.74 million living in the Perth metropolitan area.


Ø Watch the video about Perth and say what you can discover there.


More about Perth:


Ø Imagine that you are visiting Perth and you are asked to complete a survey. Answer the questions and pay attention to the vocabulary used in it.


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