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Travelling idioms


- To go off the beaten track (path) - Fig. away from the frequently traveled routes.

We found a nice little Italian restaurant off the beaten track.

- Travel broadens the mind - Prov. When you travel, you learn things about the people and places you see.


- To travel light - to bring very few things with you when you go on a trip

My new car has lots of cargo space, which is great for people like me who don't travel light.

- Jump on the bandwagon -If a person or organizationjumps on the bandwagon, they decide to do something when it is already successful or fashionable.

When organic food became popular, certain stores were quick to jump on
the bandwagon and promote it.

- In the same boat -If two or more parties in the same boat, they are in the same unpleasant or difficult situation.

When the factory closed down, the workers all found themselves in the
same boat.

- Miss the boat -If you miss the boat, you fail to take advantage of an opportunity because you don't act quickly enough.

I managed to get my order through before the end of the special offer - but
I nearly missed the boat!

- Rock the boat -If you tell someone not to rock the boat, you are asking them to do nothing that might cause trouble or upset a stable situation.

After the recent riots, it was decided not to rock the boat by introducing
strict measures.

- Paddle one's own canoe -If you paddle your own canoe, you do what you want to do without help or interference from anyone.

He decided to paddle his own canoe and set up his own company.


- Put the cart before the horse -A person who puts the cart before the horse is doing things in the wrong order.

Building a school before knowing the age of the population is putting the cart before the horse.

- Drive someone up the wall -If somebody or something drives you up the wall, they do something that greatly annoys or irritates you.

I can't concentrate with all the noise - it's driving me up the wall!


- Backseat driver -Abackseat driver is a passenger in a car who gives unwanted advice to the driver.

I can't stand backseat drivers like my mother-in-law!

- Highways and byways -If you travel the highways and byways, you take large and small roads to visit every part of a country.

He travelled the highways and byways looking for traces of his


- Itchy feet - A person who has itchy feet is someone who finds it difficult to stay in one place and likes travelling and discovering new places.

Scott never stays long anywhere. He's got itchy feet!


- Hit the road -When you hit the road, you begin a journey.

It's getting late and we've got a long way to go. Let's hit the road.


- Sail close to the wind -If you sail close to the wind, you do something dangerous or act just within the limits of what is legal or acceptable.

He seems to invest his money well although he often sails close
to the wind.

- Fifth wheel -This expression refers to a person who finds themselves in a situation where their presence is unnecessary and as a result they feel useless.

Everyone seemed to have a specific role except me. I felt like a fifth


- Fleabag motel/roach motel: shabby, low-priced accommodations.


- Red-eye flight (redeye): any flight departing late at night.


- Greasy spoon: usually applied to restaurants – especially diners – serving cheap fried or grilled foods.


- Sunday driver: one who drives slowly and makes unexpected maneuvers.


Ø Practice these questions in pairs to memorize all the idioms:

1. What are the advantages to go off the beaten track in your life?

2. Why does travel broaden the mind?

3. When do people travel light?

4. Are you the kind of person to jump on the bandwagon?

5. Are teachers and students in the same boat?

6. What would you do if you missed the boat in your education (career)?

7. How can you characterize people who rock the boat?

8. Would you like to paddle your own canoe after you graduate from the University?

9. Could you cite examples of putting the cart before the horse?

10. What can drive you up the wall and make you feel annoyed and irritated?

11. Why don’t people like backseat drivers?

12. Do Sunday drivers hinder people on the road? Are there any advantages of being a Sunday driver?

13. Would you like to travel the highways and byways of your country? Why?

14. Do you have itchy feet?

15. What is the best time to hit the road and travel?

16. Have you ever sailed close to the wind?

17. Think of the situations from your life when you felt like a fifth wheel.

18. What are the advantages and disadvantages of staying in a fleabag motel?

19. Is it difficult to take a redeye?

20. Why are greasy spoons so popular abroad?


Ø Fill in the blanks with the travelling idioms:

1. I'm a ……, and I'm sorry. I just can't bear to go faster.

2. I don’t want to stay here. You promised a comfortable hotel but it’s a ……!

3. We thought she …… in her business deals, but she claimed everything was legal.

4. I'd love to stay longer, but it's really time to …….

5. I don't like living with my son and daughter-in-law. I feel like a …….

6. The city council voted to plant new trees along all the …… of the town.

7. Stop whistling that tune. You're …….

8. Stop pestering me with all your advice. Nobody likes a ……!

9. We hoped that after he left college he'd …….

10. Look, Tom, everything is going fine here. Don't ……!

11. Suddenly Paul was in the …… as any other worker who had lost a job.

12. Jane has always had her own ideas about things. She's not the kind of person to …….

13. Everyone who gets the chance should go abroad. Travel …….

14. My new car has lots of cargo space, which is great for people like me who don't …….

15. Unfortunately, because the gallery's a bit ……, it doesn't get many visitors.

16. Tom really …… when it came to making friends.

17. You're eating your dessert first! You've …….

18. Hearing the train whistle at night gives me …….

19. The corner …… is always busy at lunchtime.

20. He took the …… in order to get home the next morning.


Ø Translate from Russian into English:

1. Ходить непротоптанными дорогами (2 idioms)

2. Путешествовать налегке

3. Клоповник

4. Поезд ушел

5. Быть в одной лодке

6. Мутить воду в стакане

7. Стать самостоятельным

8. Раздражать, злить

9. Отправиться в путешествие

10. Быть в опасности

11. Забегаловка

12. Неопытный водитель

13. Ночной перелет

14. Третий лишний

15. Не сидится на месте

16. Каждый уголок

17. Назойливый своими советами пассажир

18. Лезть вперед батьки в пекло

19. Расширять горизонты

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