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Cylindrosciascopy / С / 41

Convergencetrainer [<convergence + trainer] - ophthalmologic device for the revealing of the convergence disorders and convergence development (training)

Coordimetry ^coordination + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - method of the examination of the eye motility

Cryoextractor [<gr. kryos "cold, frost" + gr. extraho, extractum "to extract, to remove"], syn. cryoprobe - cryosurgical instrument for the intracapsular extraction of the cataract

Cryoextraction of the cataract [cryoextractio cataractae < gr. kryos "cold, frost" + extraction], syn. cryophakia - modification of the intracapsular extraction, based on the freezing of the special instrument tip to the lens anterior surface with the following removing of the lens

Cryopexia [cryopexia < gr. kryos "cold, frost" + gr. pexis "attachment, fastening"], syn. cryoretinopexia, cryothermy - surgical operation: conjunction of the retina and uveal tract by the action of the cold on the corresponding parts of the sclera

Cryptophthalmus [cryptophthalmus < gr. kiyptos "hidden, misterious, secret" + gr. ophthalmos "eye"], syn. cryoptophthalmia - congenital maldevelopment of the eye-globe, eye-lids and lid fissure

Cyanopsia [cyanopsia < gr. kyanos "dark blue" + gropsis "vision"] — visual perception disorder, in which all visible images seem to be bluish

Cyclectomy [cyclectomia < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: excision of the ciliary body part

CycUtis [cyclitis < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + -itis] - inflammation of the ciliary body of the eye-globe

Cyclogoniotomy [cyclogoniotomia <gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" +gr. gonia "angle" + gr. tome "cutting, discission"] - surgical operation: discission of irido-corneal angle of the anterior chamber in the trabecular meshwork region

Cyclodialysis [cyclodialysis < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + gr. dialysis "division, separation"] - surgical operation: detachment of ciliary body from the sclera

Cyclodiathermy [cyclodiathermia < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + diathermia] - diathermocoagulation of the sclera in the ciliary body region

Cyclopia [cyclopia < gr. Kyklops - mythical single-eye giant], syn. cyclocephalia - developmental malformation: presence only one eye, located on the face middle line

Cyclophoria [cyclophoria < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + gr. phoros "carrying"] - heterophoria with tendency to the eye globe turning around sagittal axis

Cyclotropia [cyclotropia < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + gr. tropos "turn, direction"] - tendency to the eye globe turning around sagittal axis in concomitant squint

Cycloplegia [cycloplegia < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + gr. plege "blow"] - accommodative paralysis (plegia)

Cyclospasm [cyclospasmus < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + gr. spasmos "spasm, cramp"] - accomodative spasm

Cylindrosciascopy [cylindrosciaskopia < gr. cylinder "cylindrical" +gr. skia "shade, shadow" + gr. skopeo "to see, to observe"] - astigmatic eye refraction examination method, in which sciascopy is combined with using of the spherical and cylindrical lenses


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