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Ectropion / E / 43

skopeo "to see, to examine"] - instrument for diaphanoscopy

Diaphanoscopy [diaphanoscopia < gr. diaphanes "transparent, translucent" + gr. skopeo "to see, to examine"], syn. eye transillumination - eye examination method, which is provided by the eye transillumination with narrow bundle of the light

Dichromasia [dichromasia < gr. di- "bi-, twice" + gr. chroma, chromatos "color, stain"] - hereditary color vision disorder, in which the function of one from the three color-sensitive photoreceptors is absent

Dioptrics [dioptrica < gr. dioptrikos "connected with optical instruments and measurments"] - totality of the optic abilities of the eye refracting media

Diopter [dioptria (gr.)] ~ unit of the refractive power measurment of the optic system; one diopter is the power of the convergent lens to focus parallel rays at its focal point lm bechind the lens

Dioptrimeter [dioptri- + gr. metreo "to measure, to determine"], syn. lensmeter - instrument for the measurement of the main optical characteristics of the glasses lenses

Diplopia [diplopia < gr. diploos "double" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. double vision - vision disorder, in which observed obj ect is as a double one

Diploptics [diploptica < diplo- +gr. optikos "connected with vision"] - concomitant strabismus therapy system, which is directed to the restoration of the autoregulating mechanism of bifixation, which is a base of the normal binocular vision

Diploscope [diplo- + gr. skopeo "to see, to observe"] - instrument for the binocular vision examination and treatment of stabismus

Distichiasis [distichiasis < gr. di- "bi-, twice" + gr. stichos "row, line" + gr. -iasis "pathological process, disease"], syn. doubled eyelashes - development anomaly:presence of the second eyelashes row at the posterior margin of the eyelid

Divergence of the eyes [divergentia < lat. divergere " to discover of divergence"] - divergence of the right and left eyes visual axes

Drift [< dutch drijven "swim"] - in ophthalmology: relatively slow eye movement like "sliding down" from setting direction

Dychromatopsia [dychromatopsia < gr. dys- prefix, meaning "deviation from normal condition" + gr. chroma, chromatos "color, stain" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"] - hereditary color vision disorder

Dyscoria [dyscoria < gr. dys- prefix, meaning "deviation from normal condition" + gr. kore "pupil"] - pupil shape disorder


Echoophthalmegrapfa [< gr. echo "echo" + ophthalmograph], syn. opthalmological ultrasound locator, ultrasound ophthalmograph - a device for the eye linear sizes measurement and discovering of the intraocular tumors or foreign bodies by the ultrasound echography method

Ectopia of pupil [ectopia pupillae <gr. ektopios "remoted far from the place"], syn. korectopia - pupil deflextion from its normal place in the center of the iris; E.p. may be a result of development anomaly, eye trauma and surgical operation

Ectropion [ectropion < gr. ektrepo "to turn out, to unscrew"] - in ophthalmology:


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