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Эхоофтальмограф /Э / 35

наплыв, поток слез"], сии. слезотечение ретенционное - слезотечение, обусловленное нарушением слезоотведения

Эризифак [< греч. erysis "вытягивание, извлечение" + греч. phakos "чечевица, линза"] - инструмент для интракапсулярной экстракции катаракты

Эритропсия [erythropsia < греч. erythros "красный" + греч. opsis "зрение"] - нарушение зрительного восприятия, при котором все видимое представляется окрашенным в красноватый цвет

Эхоофтальмограф [< греч. echo "эхо, отголосок" + офталъмограф], син. офтальмологический ультразвуковой локатор, офталъмограф ультразвуковой — прибор для измерения линейных размеров глаза и обнаружения в нем новообразований или инородных тел методом ультразвуковой эхографии


А/ Aberration of the eye


Aberration of the eye [< lat. abeiratio "deflextion"] - distortion of the imaging on the retina due to imperfection of the eye optic system

Ablepharia [ablepharia < a- Greek prefix, meaning negation or absence something + gr. blepharon "eye lid"] - development anomaly: absence of the eyelids and lid fissure

Accommodation of the eye [< lat. accommodatio "accommodation"] - physiological process of the eye refractive power changing during visual perception of the objects, which are situated at the various distance

Accommodometer [accommodation + gr. metreo "to measure"] - instrument for accommodation examination

Accommodotrainer [accommodation + trainer] - instrument for the accommodation training

Achromatopsia [achromatopsia < a- Greek prefix, meaning negation or absence of something + gr. chroma, chromatos "colour, stain" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. achromasia, achromatopia, monochromasia, color blindness - absence of the color vision

Acoria [gr. akoria < a- Greek prefix, meaning negation or absence of something+ gr. kore "pupil"] - pupil absence in aniridia

Adaptation of the eye [< lat. adaptatio "adaptation"] - eye ability to adapt to various levels of the illumination stimuli (light or colour), resulting in the changing of the light (color) sensitivity

Adaptometer [adaptation + gr. metreo "to measure"] - instrument for the dark adaptaion examination

Adaptoelectrooculography [adaptation + electrooculographia] - electrooculog- raphy, made in the light and dark adaptation conditions

Amaurosis [amaurosis < gr. amaurosis "darkness, loss of the vision, blindness"] - complete blindness of the one or both eyes due to central nerve system damages with preservation of the light reaction of the pupil

Amblyopia [amblyopia < gr. amblys "dull, weak" + gr. ops, opos "eye"] - decreasing of the vision due to functional disorders of the visual analizator

Amblyoscope [amblyo- + gr. skopeo "to see"] - apparatus for binocular vision training in orthoptic treatment of strabismus

Amblyotrainer [amblyo- + train] - apparatus for the development and training of stereoscopic visual orientation in amblyopia treatment

Ametropia [ametropia < gr. ametros "disregulate, disproportionate" + gr. ops, opos "eye"] - eye refraction anomaly, in which discrepancy between refracting power of the eye optic system and axial eye length is present

Anaphoria [anaphoria < gr. ana- prefix, meaning movement upwards + gr. phoros "carrying"] - one of the heterophoria forms, in which tendency to consensual turning of the both eyes upwards is observed

Angiography (with fluorescein) [<gr. angeion "vessel" + gr. grapheo "to record, to write"] - method of the eye vessels examination with intravenous injection of the



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