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Б / Elastotonometry

lower eyelid falling away from the eye globe

Elastotonometry [elastotonometria < gr. elastos "glutinous, viscous, viscid" + tonometry] - method of the glaucoma diagnosis, which consists in consequent influence on the eye globe by the tonometers of increasing weight

Electrooculography [< electro- + lat. oculus "eye"+ gr. grapho "to write"] - method of the examination of 1) the extraocular muscles function or 2) the functional condition of external retinal layers; the method consists in graphical registration of eye biopotentials during its movements

Electroophthalmia [electroophthalmia < electro- + gr. ophthalmos "eye"], syn. electrical ophthalmia - photoophthalmia, caused by the radiation of the electrical sources of the light (including ultraviolet radiation)

Electroretinography [electroretinography < electro- + anat. retina + gr. grapho "to write"] - method of examination of the retina functional condition, based on the biopotential registration, arising in the retina during light irritation

Electrotonograph [electrotonograph < electro- +gr. tonos "tension"+ gr. grapho "to write, to image"], syn. tonograph - an electromechanical instrument for the graphical registration of the intraocular pressure changes

Electrotonography [electrotonographia < electro- + gr. tonos "tension" +gr. grapho "to write, to image"] - type of tonography, in which a persistent registration of the intraocular pressure changes is provided by the electrotonograph

Embryotoxon [embryotoxon < gr. embryon "embryo, fetus" + gr. toxon "arch, bow"] - congenital opacification of the corneal peripheral parts

Emmetropia [emmetropia < gr. emmetros "proportional"+ gr. ops, opos "eye"], syn. emmetropic refraction of the eye - eye refraction, in which a position of the posterior main focal point of the optical system coincides with the retina

Endophthalmitis [endophthalmitis < gr. endo, endon "in, inside" + gr. ophthalmos "eye"] - purulent inflammation of the internal coats of the eye globe

Enophthalmus [enophthalmus < gr. en- "being inside, in the defined limits"], syn. enophthalmos - deeper than normal position of the eye globe in the orbit

Entoptic phenomenon [<gr. entos "inside"+ gr. optikos "connected with vision"] - visual perception opaque objects, situated in the eye optic media and on the eye fundus

Entropion [entropion < gr. en- "being inside, in the defined limits" + gr. tropos "turn(ing), direction"] - eyelid turning in

Enucleation [enucleatio oculi < lat. enucleo, enucleatum "removing of the nucleus"] - surgical operation: removing of the eye globe

Epicanthus [epicanthus < gr. epi- "situation above something" + lat. canthus, gr. kanthos "angle"] - vertical skin fold of the lid, covering medial angle of the lid fissure (inner canthus)

Epikeratophakia [epikeratophakia < gr. epi- "situation above something" + keratophakia] - refractive surgical operation, in which a lens from the donor cornea is sutured to the central surface of the recipient cornea

Epiphora [epiphora < gr. epi- "situation above something" +gr. phora "flow, influx, charge"], syn. retention tearing - tearing, caused by the decreasing of tear outflow

Episcleritis [episcleritis <gr. epi-"situation above something" +gr. anat. sclera]-an inflammation of the superficial layers of the sclera

Epitarsus [epitarsus < gr. epi- "situation above something" + gr. anat. tarsus



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