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Staying at a Hotel

The hotel industry is burgeoning in the world, and hotels themselves are not considered a temporary haven or harbour for a tired traveler where he can find a rest for a night and some food. A modern hotel is always a large recreation and business center, and some of them are magnificent architectural masterpieces. The hotel Burj Al Arab in Dubai looks like a giant sail, located on its own island.

Many “colleagues” of the great sail also try to attract travelers offering some unique facilities or recreation. There are hotels built from ice, in Berlin there is a hotel where only women are allowed. In the United Kingdom the “Mad Bear” Hotel has champagne coming out of every tap instead of water.

Depending on the purpose of your trip you will have a vast choice of accommodation available in Britain. Still if you don’t want to be disappointed, especially during the holiday season, it is better to reserve a room beforehand. Britain’s hotels have a range of recreation facilities for customers - a sauna, swimming pool, restaurant, bar, beauty parlor, hair and nail salon and bodybuilding equipment. Each single and double room is equipped with air-conditioning systems, heated floors and access to the Internet.

Other choices could include: guest houses, lodges, camping parks, hostelling and college accommodation, bed and breakfast places (the English call them ’’B and B’’). B&B offers real value for money, a friendly welcome and the best chance to meet the British. Some streets in seaside resorts are full of nothing but boarding houses. The food in these and in local restaurants is cheap with an emphasis on fish and chips.

When making your hotel booking, ask about special offers for reduced room rate.

London hotels are just the same as in all large cities. You enter a large entrance hall or lounge and go to the reception desk. The reception clerk will tell you which your room is, what floor it is on and will give you the key. You will sign the register and give your luggage to the porter who will take it up in the lift to your room. If you need some help you can call the chambermaid by the room telephone. You can have your clothes cleaned, washed, ironed and delivered within 24 hours.

As for Belarus, it has never boasted top-class four- and five-star hotels capable of providing bed and breakfast to the toffs. The only hotel certified to have four stars on its facade has been the Hotel “Minsk”. But the situation is to change very soon, after three magnificent hotels open in the capital at once.



Ex 1 Give the English equivalents from the text to the following Russian ones:

Время отпусков; в зависимости от цели путешествия; уставший путешественник; архитектурные шедевры; дружеское приветствие; расположенный на собственном острове; огромный выбор жилья; Вам могут почистить одежду; если вы не хотите быть разочарованным; Лондонские отели точно такие же, как…; звонить по телефону; местные рестораны; доступ в Интернет; единственный сертифицированный отель.


Ex 2. Complete the sentences translating from Russian into English:

Depending on the (цели) of your (путешествия) you will have a vast (выбор) of accommodation. (Цены) quoted usually (включают кровать и завтрак). B&B offers (все самое лучшее за деньги), a friendly welcome and the (самый лучший способ) to meet the British. (Другие варианты) could include farmhouse and city accommodation. (Отели Лондона) are just the same as in all large cities. You enter (огромный вестибюль/холл) and go to the (дежурному). The (служащий) will tell you (на каком этаже) the room is on and will give you the (ключи).


Ex 3. Answer the questions on the text:

1. What is a registration at a hotel like?

2. What services can you get at London hotels?

3. What is meant by the term “bed and breakfast”?

4. What are the duties of the reception clerk / chambermaid, porter?

5. Is it necessary to reserve accommodation in advance?

6. What choice of accommodation is available in GB?

7. What leisure facilities do city hotels offer?

8. How does a modern hotel look like?

9. Are there any five – star hotels in Belarus?

Text 7 Youth’s problems

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