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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Multiple Service Establishments

In our country we have what we call multiple service establishments. They are tailors’ shops, dry cleaners’, watch repair and all other service shops combined in one. Service is generally good and they will fix you up in no time. But sometimes it leaves much to be desired and they fall behind with orders. However, such service establishments are an excellent arrangement for a busy man, especially since all the little things (miner services) are done while you wait.

At the tailor’s one can have any piece of clothing (overcoat, dress suit, costume, etc) made according to the latest dictates of fashion. Besides a tailor’s shop will take care of major and minor alterations and repairs: let out or take in a coat at the seams, lengthen or shorten the sleeves, press creased clothing, turn old clothes to look like new. If your trousers are worn or sleeves begin to fray at the cuffs, they will set them right for you in a most expert and skillfull way.

At these service establishments they also have dyer’s and cleaner’s shops (dying and cleaning service) if you have any stains you want to remove the dry cleaners’ will take care of them. Nowadays they have a way of removing stains without leaving any traces. But you must remember that when you send your suit to the cleaner’s it might shrink.

The dyer’s will make a neat job of dying material for you. Dark shades and hues come out better than light ones.

A busy place is shoemaker’s shop. They have a wild choice of leather and rubber soles and heels. And they don’t charge much. You will also find a watchmaker’s shop. He will set your watch if it is slow or fast, put a new glass in or clean it if it needs cleaning.

One of the services available is the photographer’s. You can have photo taken their, and if it is urgent (a rush job) they will also develop and print snapshots taken by amateur photographers.

Another service establishment that we frequently visit is the barber’s shop for men and the hairdresser’s for women. At the barber’s you can get a shave, haircut and shampoo. The service you would expect to find at the hairdresser’s are permanent wave, manicure, skin treatment (massage both manual and electrical) with all sorts of creams. They will also do your hair according to the latest dictates of fashion.


Ex. 1 Give the English equivalents from the text to the following Russian ones:

центр бытового обслуживания; ремонт обуви (часов, одежды); обслуживать в считанные минуты; оставляет желать лучшего; последние тенденции моды; удлинять (укорачивать) рукава; гладить смятую одежду; окраска и химчистка (сухая чистка); оставлять следы; садиться (об одежде); темные оттенки; огромный выбор каблуков; устанавливать, приводить в порядок; сфотографироваться; сделать маникюр.


Ex. 2 Express preference:

Model: – I’m going to have manual massage.

– I’d rather have electrical skin treatment.

1. I usually have my clothes made at the tailor’s.

2. Would you like your shoes soles in leather or in rubber?

3. Would you like colour photos or black-and-white?

4. Would you like to be taken in full face or in profile?

5. Will you remove the stain from your suit yourself or will you send it to the dry-cleaner’s?

6. I’m going to tint my hair.

7. Do you always go to the barber’s to have a shave?



Ex. 3 Give a piece of advice:

Model: - My coat has faded. (выцвела)

- It really has. It needs turning.

1. My dress is stained.

2. My trousers seem to be creased.

3. My heels are worn down.

4. The watch is slow again.

5. The skirt is rather long.

6. The black dress is a bit too loose on me.

7. A button has come off.

8. My hair is out of condition.


Ex. 4 Answer the following questions:

1. What service shops are combined in a multiple service centre?

2. Why is M.S.C. an excellent arrangement for a busy man?

3. Do people often use the service of the dry-cleaner’s?

4. In what season of the year is the shoemaker’s an especially busy place?

5. Where would you go if your watch went fast?

6. The hairdresser’s is always quite a busy place, isn’t it?

7. Men use the services of the tailor’s less frequently than women, don’t they?

8. Why do the men’s fashions change more slowly?



Ex. 5 Translate into English, using “have something done”:

1. Как часто Вы подстригаетесь? 2. Мне необходимо срочно отремонтировать часы. 3. Где Вы сшили это платье? 4. Я хочу чтобы мне погладили костюм. 5. Я хочу сфотографироваться на паспорт. 6. Мой брат почистил стекло на часах вчера.


Text 3 Youth’s values

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