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Meals in Great Britain


People in Great Britain eat many different kinds of food. Good British meals start early in the day with a hearty cooked breakfast of sausage, tomato, bacon and eggs, though this can be fattening, plus toast marmalade and all the tea or coffee you can drink.

Lunch is served any time between twelve and one. At lunchtime you can visit a pub. British pubs are often the best places to eat well and they also increasingly try to serve tasty British food. In most pubs you can get a cheap lunchtime meal of shepherd’s pie (minced beef with crispy potato) or a wide selection of salads.

During the day, nearly everyone drinks cups of tea or coffee. The British love their pot of tea with home-made creamy cakes, scones and tasty sandwiches. Dinner-time means a whole world of good food. Most people have it about six o’clock, but some people prefer to eat later. Dinner-time means a soup, fish, meat and a sweet. Cheese and biscuits will be served after the sweet.

Many British women today do not feel, that their lives are best spent in the kitchen. They would rather pay a professional chef and also enjoy a good meal.

Some people prefer a delicious three-course dinner a lar carte with wine at a good restaurant.

Food from other countries, especially Chinese and Indian food, is very popular in Great Britain, that is why Indian and Chinese restaurants are especially numerous. There are also plenty of ethnic restaurants in Britain. Here you can sample the cuisine of just about every country in the world.

A lot of people buy fish and chips in “fish and chips shops” and eat that there or in the street as they walk.

Some enjoy a pizza at one of the pizza or pasta chains, a regular burger from Mc Donald’s.


Ex 1 Give the English equivalents from the text to the following Russian ones:

Есть разнообразную еду; второй завтрак подается в любое время; вкусная еда; почти каждый; ужинать; большинство людей предпочитают кушать позднее; вы можете попробовать «кухню» других стран; кушать во время прогулки; наслаждаться едой; англичанки не чувствуют, что; проводить жизнь на кухне.


Ex 2. Agree or disagree, give your reasons:

1. Famous English pubs are very popular places.

2. It is not very expensive to have meals in a pub.

3. In England lunch is a very small meal.

4. The English people have dinner at 6 o’clock in the evening.

5. There are very few types of restaurants in England.

6. During the day only some people drink tea or coffee.


Ex 3. Answer the questions on the text:

1. What kind of food do people in Britain eat? What is the English breakfast like?

2. When do British meals start?

3. What time do they have lunch?

4. Where can the British eat cheaply?

5. What do they drink tea with?

6. What does dinner-time mean?

7. Where can the British enjoy pizza?

8. Are there any ethnic restaurants in Britain?

9. What can you order at the restaurant?

10. What do many British women think about the kitchen?

Ex 4. Your pen-friend lives in London. What do you think he eats during a day? Use this outline:

Early in the day ___.

At lunchtime ___.

During the day ___.

At about six o’clock ___.


Ex 5. Re-organise this text. The first sentence is in the correct position:

People in Britain eat many different kinds of food. [a] Most people have evening meal at about six o’clock but some people prefer to eat later. [b]Many people buy frozen food, food in packets because this is more convenient. [c] Some people eat a large cooked breakfast, but this can be very fattening. [d] Food from other countries, especially Chinese and Indian food, is also popular. [e] During the day, nearly everyone drinks cups of tea or coffee. [f] Fast food and pizza restaurants are also very popular. [g] There are traditional dishes, such as roast beef and fish and chips. [h] In most towns you can find Indian and Chinese restaurants, and sometimes more expensive French restaurants. [i] Lunch is any time between twelve and one. [j] Pubs usually serve meals which are often more traditional food.




Text 6 Hotels

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