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Sport and Music


Physical training in educational establishments is compulsory and young people spend at least two afternoons a week doing it. When the weather is good, teenagers go out to the stadium where they play volleyball, football or practice track- and- field athletics. During the winter they usually go to a gym where they practice gymnastics and some other sports and games.

Sport is important for teenagers’ physical and mental health. The construction of new hockey palaces and football stadiums led to a big rise in the numbers of young people participating in sports. These sport facilities provide an opportunity for young people to express themselves that is not always possible at school or university.

Modern sport centres with their swimming pools, gyms and indoor courts are competiting with disco-clubs and internet-clubs as places for teenagers to go to spend their leisure time and their money.

So, those who like dancing and enjoy the thrill of moving fast go in for ice skating. They think it’s a fantastically expressive way of getting fit. Boys prefer either an ancient Chinese martial art – Kung Fu – which helps to become fitter and more supple or supercircuits. Supercircuits is a new popular kind of sports training which rapidly improves strength and fitness.

Aqua-aerobics is gentle and completely safe, the music makes it fun and relaxing. There is something very wonderful in music. Words are wonderful enough; but music is even more wonderful. It speaks not to teenagers’ thoughts as words do, it speaks straight to their hearts and spirits. So, it’s fun not only to exercise but also to listen to music.

Music in the world is extremely varied. The more recent popular styles of music are pop, techno music, hip-hop. The latest style which enjoys great popularity among young people is pop music. It offers the young generation something new, fresh, spontaneous and completely different from anything else in form and delivery. Popular music symbolizes the rejection of the ideas and morality of the older generation.

The most popular Russian pop stars are Dima Bilan, Alsu, the group “Zvery”. After Bilan had won his song “Never let you go” at Eurovision 2006, he became well-known. His concerts are attended by crowds of screaming fans. On stage he is like a volcano and has a peculiar power to drive the audience mad. Young people go into ecstasies over his voice, his unique songs and manners.

Ex 1 Give the English equivalents from the text to the following Russian ones:

Заниматься физкультурой; физическое здоровье; тратить деньги; слушать музыку; заниматься фигурным катанием; быстрый способ похудеть; предпочитать; предоставлять возможность; выражать себя; разнообразная музыка; пользуется популярностью; старшее поколение; участвовать в чем-либо; стал известным.



Ex 2. Agree or disagree, give your reasons:

1. Physical training is voluntary in educational establishments.

2. Internet clubs are the best places for teenagers to spend their free time.

3. Boys go in for sports to improve strength and fitness.

4. Girls practice only gymnastics.

5. Young people listen to music because it is a way to relax.

6. Almost everyone can be a star.


Ex 3. Answer the questions on the text:

1. Is Physical training compulsory for young people?

2. How many times a week do they do it?

3. Why is sport important?

4. What kinds of sport are popular among teenagers?

5. Why do teenagers go in for sports?

6. How does music help to exercise?

7. What are the more recent popular styles of music?

Text 5 Meals in Great Britain

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