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Juridical psychology

Contemporary psychology is a widely ramified system of scientific discipline. But we are mostly interested in juridical psychology. It studies the psychological aspects of legal relationships. Juridical psychology is subdivided into forensic, criminal and corrective.

Forensic psychology investigates the psychological peculiarities of the behaviour of the participants of the trial, psychological aspects of interrogation etc. Criminal psychology studies the psychological problems of criminal behaviour, the motives of crime and the process in which the criminal personality is formed.

Corrective psychology deals with rehabilitation of law-breakers in corrections, the process of their adaptation to prison life, their mental state. It also examines the structure of formal and informal groups in places of confinement, their origin and functioning.

Corrective psychology investigates the psychological problems of reformation through conviction and compulsion.

III. Do the following exercises:

Exercise 1. Read the following groups of words correctly and translate them into Russian:

to ramify – ramification – ramified; wide – widely; interest – interesting – interested – to take an interest; legal – legality – illegal – legally; to divide – division – divided – subdivided; to investigate – investigation – investigator; peculiar – peculiarity; to participate – participation – participant; to try – to try a case – trial – to await trial; behaviour – behaviorism – behaviorist; crime – criminal – a criminal – to commit a crime; to rehabilitate – rehabilitation – a rehabilitated person – rehabilitative; to correct – corrections – correctional – corrective; process – processes; to adapt – adaptation – adapting – adapted; prison – prisoner – imprison – imprisonment; mental – mentally; to examine – examination – examiner – examined; to confine – confinement; to function – function – functioner – functionalist; to reform – reform – reformation – reformative; to convict – conviction – convicted – a convicted person.

Exercise 2. Translate the following word combinations into Russian:

a widely ramified system; legal relationships; to subdivide into forensic, criminal and corrective psychology; the participants of the trial; to deal wit6h mental state; places of confinement; to examine the origin and functioning; to investigate problems.

Exercise 3. Find the synonyms among the following:

a criminal, to study, adjustment, law-breaker, corrections, adaptation, illegal, criminal, to investigate, prison, crime, places of detention, offence, contemporary, confinement, modern.


Exercise 4. Find in the text all the instances of passive constructions and give the best possible translations of these forms:

Exercise 5. Match the following:

contemporary system

ramified personality

psychological to prison life

legal psychology

peculiarities for crime

motives of behaviour

to form of formal groups

rehabilitation aspects

adaptation trough compulsion

the structure relationships

reformation of law-breakers


Exercise 6. Insert the correct sentence-followers:

1. Contemporary psychology is a ….

2. Juridical psychology studies ….

3. It is subdivided into ….

4. Forensic psychology investigates ….

5. Criminal psychology deals with ….

6. The task of corrections is to ….

7. It also examines the ….


Exercise 7. Study the following plan and speak on the topic “Juridical psychology”.

1. The system of contemporary psychology.

2. The field of studies of Juridical psychology.

3. The subject of forensic psychology.

4. The discipline of criminal psychology.

5. Corrective psychology as a science.



I. Read and learn the following words and phrases:

to separate – отделять, разъединять

separate – отдельный

to trace (to) – проследить, наметить

to consider – считать, полагать

research – исследование

encyclopedical – энциклопедический

ethics – этика

metaphysics – метафизика

career – карьера

to associate – соединять, объединять, ассоциировать

process – processes – процесс – процессы

precision – точность, аккуратность

to injure – повреждать

introspection – самоанализ, самонаблюдение

familiar – знакомый, известный

familiarize – знакомить


II. Read the text:

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