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The profession of a psychologist

At present psychology is vitally important in human life. The effective development of corrections depends on the work of psychologists. The psychologist deals with the problems of rehabilitation of criminals. He examines the psychology of individual law-breakers and the structure of formal and informal groups. The result of his work is to give practical psychological recommendations and to create the atmosphere for rehabilitation of criminals. The psychologist must also predict, control and analyze conflict situations.

Psychologists study the behaviour of participants in the criminal trial, problems of criminal behaviour, the motives for the crime. A good specialist should master all modern methods of psychology and use them in practice.


III. Do the following exercises:

Exercise 1. Read the words with the international roots and give their Russian equivalents:

psychology, problem, human, individual, structure, practical, formal, result, atmosphere, control, conflict, motive, situation, specialist, psychologist, modern, method, practice.


Exercise 2. State what part of speech each word belongs to and translate the groups of words:

psychology – psychologist – psychological;

to correct – correction – corrections – correctional;

to rehabilitate - rehabilitation;

to form – form – formal – informal – formation - to reform - reformation;

to predict – prediction – predictor – predictive - predictable;

to analyze – analysis - analytic(al) - analyst;

to participate – participant - participation;

to try - trial;

to effect – effect - effective;


Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations into English:

жизненно важный, отдельные правонарушители, практические психологические рекомендации, создать атмосферу, исправление преступников, участники судебного процесса, овладевать современными методами.


Exercise 4. Find the words with the similar meaning among the following:

conduct, law-breaker, important, significant, to study, criminal, to examine, behavior.

Exercise 5. Make up correct word combinations:

effective recommendations

to deal with development

individual the problems

structure oflaw-breakers

practical groups

to create criminal behavior

rehabilitation of conflict situations

to predict criminals

the atmosphere


Exercise 6. Make up word-combinations according to the model:

Model: to rehabilitate criminals – the rehabilitation of criminals;

to predict, control and analyze conflict situations; to study the motives for the crime; to create the atmosphere for rehabilitation of the criminals; to use modern methods.

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions:

1.What problems does the psychologist deal with in corrections?

2. What other tasks does he solve working at correctional institutions?

3. What are more general problems of his research?


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