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Alternatives to prisons

Penalty should fit the crime. There is a wide range of sanctions that are used all over the world to punish offenders. They are fines and other financial penalties, probation, supervision, orders to make reparation in some practical form to the community. Very often imprisonment is a measure of last resort.

The basic alternatives to custody in our country are: verbal sanctions, such as admonition, reprimand and warning; fine; compulsory labour; disqualification from a specific office or activity; arrest; restriction of liberty; deprivation of some specific rank; confiscation or an expropriation order. There are special punishments in relation to military personnel.

In many countries probation, verbal sanctions, financial penalties of some sort, or suspended/deferred sentences, may be the only non-custodial sanctions that are used.


III. Do the following exercises:

Exercise 1. Read the following words, translate them and denote the part of speach:

community, justice, numerous, majority, supervision, actually, custody, probation, ensure, penalty, reparation, measure, verbal, admonition, conditional, expropriation, restitution, suspended/deferred (sentence), judicial, attendance, referral, non-institutional, treatment, available, non-custodial.

Exercise 2. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian:

a wide range of sanctions, all over the world, to punish offenders, financial penalties, to make reparation, a measure of last resort, alternatives to custody, verbal sanctions, compulsory labour; disqualification from a specific office, restriction of liberty, deprivation of some specific rank, an expropriation order, suspended/deferred sentences, non-cuslodial sanctions.


Exercise 3. Translate the following words and word combinations into English:

aльтернативные виды наказания, ряд санкций, условное осуждение, устные санкции, принудительные трудовые работы, ограничение свободы, лишение звания, отсроченный приговор.

Exercise 4. Using the table make up word combinations according to the following models. Translate the word combinations:

а) verb + noun

to punish to make to use to fit reparation the crime offenders sanctions

b) adjective + noun

non-custodial compulsory deterred financial military personnel sanctions labour sentence penalties


Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. There is a wide range … sanctions that are used all … the world to punish offenders.

2. The main alternatives … custody are fines and other financial penalties, probation, supervision, orders to make reparation … some practical form … the community.

3. Imprisonment is a measure … last resort.

4. The basic alternatives … custody … our country are: verbal sanctions, fine, compulsory labour, disqualification … a specific office or activity, arrest, deprivation … some specific rank, an expropriation order.

5. There are special punishments in relation to military personnel.

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