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The Great psychologist

Psychology as a separate science is traced to the year 1879. That year Wilhelm Wundt, the famous German psychologist, set up the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig. Hi is considered the father of modern psychology.

Wilhelm Wundt was born in 1832 in Baden. He got a degree in medicine, but turned to psychology in his early post-graduate research.

Wundt’s knowledge was encyclopedical. He wrote not only on psychology, but also in the fields of logic, ethics, and scientific metaphysics. During his professional career he published about 54,000 pages of psychological material.

The largest part of his work was devoted to the senses, especially to vision. He also studied attention, emotional processes, and associative processes in memory.

Wundt’s psychology was introspective but it was at the same time devoted to laboratory methods, including the use of precision instruments. He injured his eye sight in the course of his introspective research, but continued his work with the help of his daughter. His experiments helped to tie theory to observation, familiarized psychologists with the use of laboratory instruments.

Wilhelm Wundt died in his eighty-eighth year in 192


III. Do the following exercises:

Exercise 1. Read and translate into Russian the following expressions:

as a separate science; to trace to the year; to set up a laboratory; to turn to psychology; in one’s post-graduate research; in the fields of logics and ethics; the use of precision instruments; the cours of research; to tie theory to observation.

Exercise 2. Insert the correct prepositions:

to get a degree … medicine; to write … psychology; in the field … scientific metaphysics; to devote one’s work … senses; to familiarize psychologists … use … laboratory methods.


Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations into English:

oтдельная наука; в том году; известный психолог; первая психологическая лаборатория; получить степень; энциклопедические знания; профессиональная карьера; опубликовывать материал; эмоциональные и ассоциативные процессы; лабораторные методы; продолжать работу.


Exercise 4. Open the brackets. Pay attention to the verb-forms. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Wilhelm Wundt (to be) the founder of modern psychology.

2. In 1879 he (to open) the first psychological laboratory.

3. He (to study) senses, attention, emotional and associative processes in memory.

4. Wundt (to use) precision laboratory instruments.

5. He (to conduct) very interesting experiments.

6. Wundt’s ideas (to be) valuable even nowadays.


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