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Answering the telephone


I. Write down some words and expressions from the film.


1. To be available – to be not busy and have enough time to talk to you.

2. Confidential – secret or too personal to share with someone else.

3. Advertising – spreading market information about goods or services.

4. To put through – to connect via telephone lines.

5. To take a message – to take notes to be given to another person afterwards.

6. Specifications – technical characteristics of a product.

7. Extension – one of many telephone lines in a large building which all have different numbers.

8. Switchboard – a central system used to connect telephone calls in an office building, hotel etc.

9. Hang on – hold on, hold the line, wait for a person to answer one’s phone call.

10. Figure – a number representing an amount.

11. To be on the line – to be calling on the phone.

12. To call back – to ring back, to call once again later.

13. Catalogue – a book containing pictures and information about goods that you can buy.

14. Inch – a unit for measuring length, equal to 2.54 centimetres.

15. Voice activated – able to speak (about a technical device).


II. Translate the new vocabulary into Russian.


III. Watch the film for the 1st time.


IV. Translate the following English speech exponents the way you would say in your native language.


1. He isn’t available at the moment. – Его сейчас нет.

2. The number is confidential. – Я не могу дать вам этот номер без разрешения.

3. Can I take a message? – Ему / ей что-нибудь передать?

4. Can I have the number? – Могу я узнать номер?

5. Just let me check that. – Позвольте, я повторю для контроля.

6. Sorry to keep you waiting. – Извини, что заставил тебя ждать.

7. Can I ask what it is about? – Я могу узнать, по какому вопросу вы звоните?

8. When is a good time to call? – В какое время удобнее позвонить?

9. You’ve got the wrong number. – Вы набрали не тот номер.

10. Hang on / Hold on. – Не вешайте трубку.

11. I’ll put you through. – Я вас соединю.

12. – Are you busy? – No, why? – Ты занят? – Нет. А что?

13. How can I help you? – Чем могу вам помочь?

14. Could I ask who is calling please? – Извините, а с кем я разговариваю?

15. We have an exciting new product. – У нас есть очень интересный новый товар.

16. I am voice activated. – Я умею говорить.


V. Watch the film for the 2nd time. Take notes of speech exponents that are used in telephone talks.


VI. Answer some questions to the film.


1. Who did Edward want to get in touch with?

2. What was he going to discuss with Mr. Smith?

3. Was Mr. Smith available in the office?

4. Was Edward given a direct line number of Mr. Smith? Why?

5. Whom did Don Bradley want to contact?

6. Was he put through with Phil Watson’s office?

7. Did Don manage to speak to Phil in the office?

8. Who did he have a talk with?

9. What alternative was he offered and which option did he prefer?

10. How did Phil apologize for not coming to the phone rather long?

11. What was the purpose of Don Bradley’s call?

12. How did Edward explain the reason for his call to Mr. Smith’s secretary?

13. What was the secretary’s response to Edward’s request about an appointment with Mr. Smith?

14. What did Edward keep insisting on?

15. What was he recommended eventually?

16. Let’s speak on a stranger’s call to Derek Jones’ department. What did the caller wish?

17. Will you please describe Derek’s behaviour during the talk? Was he impatient? Did he lose his temper? Was he close to that? Was he rude?

18. How do you conduct yourself in similar circumstances?

19. What matters were concerned in the following conversation between Edward Green and Mr. Smith’s secretary? Could he phone later that afternoon? Could he call the next day?

20. Did Edward seem to feel disappointed after all? However did he lose his hope to achieve his goal?

21. What problem did Kate, the Sales Manager, want to negotiate with the Managing Director?

22. What interrupted their talk?

23. What was Mr. Sakai calling about?

24. Please recollect the episode when the Bibury Systems’ receptionist was talking to some Mr.Clark. Someone’s extension was busy. Will you reproduce the alternative proposal made to the caller?

25. Do you suppose Edward felt obtrusive while phoning Mr. Smith’s office for the fourth time? How would you feel in such circumstances?

26. How do you estimate Mr. Smith’s “Yes” for each piece of information Edward was stating?

27. Do you think Edward could have made his introduction a bit shorter?

28. What was Edward’s offer?

29. What reaction on the part of Mr. Smith did he encounter?

30. What way did he utilize to overcome Mr. Smith’s resistance?

31. Was the publisher impressed when he heard Big Boss speaking?

32. What exactly did Big Boss tell him?


VII. Using your notes act out your own telephone conversation on whatever topic you want. It can be making an appointment with a customer, hairdresser etc. Alternatively, you might call to clarify some information. Do not underrate the importance of body language such as smiling. Have a sheet of paper in front of you to note down important details. Do not hesitate to check figures and spelling of proper names. Remember that some phone expressions differ from those used in face-to-face communication: “This is…” instead of “I am…”, “Hold on” instead of “Wait”, and others.



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