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Introducing yourself




I. Write down some words and expressions from the film[1].


1. To introduce oneself – to call one’s name and position while meeting another person.

2. Reception – a desk or office where visitors arriving in a hotel or large organization go first.

3. Department – a group of people working together to form part of a large organization.

4. In-tray – a container on your desk in which you keep work and letters that need to be dealt with.

5. PC – personal computer.

6. Stationery cupboard – a piece of furniture to keep things necessary for office work.

7. Help yourself to smth – take smth without asking for permission.

8. Executive – someone who has an important job as a manager in a company or business.

9. To fit into a company structure – to occupy a certain position in a company structure.

10. Board – group of people in an organization who make the rules and important decisions.

11. To report to smb – to be subordinated to smb.

12. Range – a set of similar products made by a particular company or available in a particular shop.

13. Workshop – a room or building where tools and machines are used for making or repairing things.

14. R&D – research and development.

15. Intelligent – clever, smart.

16. Prototype – the first form that a new design of a car, machine etc has.


II. Translate the new vocabulary into Russian.


III. Watch the film for the 1st time.


IV. Translate the following English speech exponents the way you would say in your native language.


1. Can I help you? – Чем могу вам помочь?

2. Good weekend? – Хорошо провели выходные?

3. I’m here to see… – Я пришел поговорить с…

4. One moment, please. – Подождите минутку.

5. How do you do? – Здравствуйте!

6. Hello. Pleased to meet you. – Здравствуйте! Очень приятно.

7. Help yourself to what you need. – Берите все, что вам нужно.

8. Marketing Executive – сотрудник отдела маркетинга.

9. Head of Sales – руководитель отдела сбыта / коммерческий директор.

10. He is on the Board. – Он член правления. / Он входит в совет директоров.

11. The boardroom – зал заседаний правления.

12. R&D department – отдел НИОКР (научно-исследовательских и опытно-конструкторских работ).

13. He has a team of six people. – У него шесть сотрудников.

14. In fact. – Собственно говоря.

15. Brilliant! – Замечательно!


V. Watch the film for the 2nd time.


VI. Answer some questions to the film.


1. What is the name of the company under consideration?

2. Small talk is a social conversation that has nothing to do with business. It is used to start communication. What topics did Clive Harris use for the small talk with Geraldine, the office receptionist?

3. What was the purpose of Edward Green’s visit to Bibury Systems?

4. Who met Edward in the reception on behalf of the marketing department?

5. What is Jenny Ross’ position in the company?

6. Who does she report to?

7. What is Don Bradley? / What post does he occupy?

8. What was there on Edward’s desk?

9. How was the marketing department furnished and equipped?

10. What idiom did Jenny Ross use to let Edward know that he was free to take whatever stationery he needed?

11. What conversational formula did Jenny utilize to introduce Edward to Kate McKenna? (This is…)

12. Can you call any other ways of saying the same? (Let me introduce you to… / Please meet…)

13. What are some possible polite replies to introductions? (Pleased to meet you. / Nice to see you. / How do you do.)

14. Where did Kate fit in the company structure? Who was she subordinated to?

15. What was the following room Jenny took Edward to?

16. What was there in the boardroom?

17. What is the Managing Director’s name? Is his office on the ground or the first floor?

18. Who did Edward meet in the R&D workshop?

19. What is Derek Jones’ position in Bibury Systems?

20. How many people formed his team?

21. Let’s get down for a while to the talk between Managing Director and Sales and Marketing Director. How could you comment on Don’s opinion regarding their new marketing executive?

22. What was the main Edward’s drawback in Don’s viewpoint?

23. What was Edward shown in the R&D department?

24. How was Big Boss to be operated?

25. Have you ever encountered any interactive toys like that?

26. What fault did Don Bradley find with the Big Boss’ design?

27. What did Edward Green suggest doing to improve the design of the toy?


VII. Draw up a dialogue on the topic “Introducing Yourself”. Use the speech exponents from the film as much as possible. Work in teams of 3 or 4 people. Accompany each introduction with a small talk. Some possible points to cover might be weather, weekend, trip, hotel, sightseeing etc. Mind the importance of introductions which create the first impression about an individual.



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