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Explaining how something works


I. Write down some words and expressions from the film.


1. To be dependent on – to be based on.

2. Circuitry – electronic chips.

3. To store the information – to keep the information in the data base.

4. Trigger word – a key word activating some process.

5. To play back – to respond, react etc.

6. To be powered – to work by means of power obtained from some source of energy; e.g. This turbine is solar-powered.

7. To absorb – to take something in and keep it inside; e.g. A sponge absorbs water.

8. Cell – a piece of equipment for producing electricity from chemicals, heat, or light; e.g. alkaline battery cells.

9. Breakthrough – an important new discovery in something you are studying, especially one made after trying for a long time.

10. Ingenious – original, witty; an ingenious plan, idea, invention etc is the result of clever thinking and new ideas, and works well; e.g. He used an ingenious way of making money.

11. To wind up – to turn something such as a handle or part of a machine around and around, especially in order to make something move or start working.

12. Edge – the part of an object that is furthest from its centre, or the place where some surface ends.

13. Lead – a soft heavy easily melted grayish-blue metal, used for water pipes, covering roofs etc.

14. Free-lance – working independently for several different companies or organizations rather than being directly employed by one; e.g. He is a free-lance artist.

15. Feasibility – possibility, real chances to reach something.

16. Background – someone’s family history, education, social class etc.

17. Certain – confident and sure, without any doubts.


II. Translate the new vocabulary into Russian.


III. Watch the film for the 1st time.


IV. Translate the following English sentences and phrases so that they sound natural in your native language. It will contribute to upgrading your interpreting skills and getting the film better.


1. When it hears the trigger word, it plays it back. – Когда он слышит ключевое слово, он на него реагирует.

2. Let me clarify this. – Дай мне разобраться в этом.

3. Photo-sensitive cells – светочувствительные элементы.

4. In another way – по-другому.

5. I can see that. – Я понимаю.

6. All clockwork. – Все с часовым механизмом.

7. You just wind it up, and off he goes. – Просто заводишь ее вот таким образом, и он (скрипач) начинает играть.

8. lead paint – краска, содержащая свинец.

9. Let me show you how products are market researched. – Давай я покажу тебе, как проводятся предварительные маркетинговые исследования.

10. They put development money into some new ideas. – Они вкладывают деньги в разработку некоторых новых идей.

11. The idea came from a free-lance designer. – Идея принадлежит дизайнеру, работавшему по контракту.

12. Follow me. – Слушай дальше.

13. Who is the target market for Friendly Fish? – На какого потребителя рассчитана Дружелюбная Рыбка?

14. The next stage is the feasibility study. – Следующей стадией является подготовка технико-экономического обоснования.

15. It is a low cost high volume mass market product[7]. – Этот товар имеет низкую себестоимость и рассчитан на большой объем производства для массового потребителя.

16. Children from different backgrounds – дети из разных социальных слоев.

17. Each key indicator – каждый основной показатель.


V. Watch the film for the 2nd time.


VI.Answer some questions on the film.


1. In what circumstances is a woman called Ms. instead of Miss or Mrs.?

2. What company did Ms. Wong work for?

3. What was Ms. Wong’s opinion regarding the technologies used by Bibury Systems?

4. What was there in Big Boss’ ear? What did it recognize?

5. What did Big Boss do when it heard the trigger word?

6. Why was it necessary to press Big Boss’ nose 2 times?

7. What did the trigger word make Big Boss do?

8. Have you got an impression that Phil Watson was quite a quick listener? But was he a motivated learner?

9. Do Derek Jones’ explanations seem to you rather sophisticated?

10. Could you reproduce Edward Green’s polite request to Derek to explain the same things otherwise? (“Sorry, Derek, would you mind explaining that in another way?”) How did Derek respond? (“Sorry, I’ll keep it simple.”)

11. Why did Derek consider Big Boss was a major breakthrough?

12. What did Clive Harris demonstrate to Ms. Wong?

13. What was the age range of the presented toys?

14. Was that Clive’s private collection?

15. What principle was used in the old toys?

16. How did the young violin player work?

17. What 2 things were not quite safe in one of the toys presented by Clive Harris?

18. What is dangerous in a lead paint?

19. How did the invisible Geraldine’s phone interlocutor explain her how to get out of the programme? Was she a success or a failure having followed their advice?

20. What did Edward Green personally explain to Phil Watson?

21. How did all Bibury Systems’ products start?

22. What executive body took decisions whether to decline a product or to promote it?

23. What is unusual about the spelling of the word “committee”? (3 double letters in 1 word) Will you spell it please?

24. What would happen further if the committee’s verdict was positive?

25. Who was the author of Friendly Fish?

26. What did the management committee ask the development team about?

27. What 2 questions did they ask the Marketing Department?

28. What was the following stage they got down to?

29. What did the feasibility study show?

30. Was Friendly Fish designed for European or Asian market?

31. Where did Bibury Systems invest then?

32. Whom did they interrogate?

33. What questions did they ask children?

34. What did the market research result in?

35. How many toys did the company produce?

36. What were the sales like? Why did they prove to be so unsatisfactory, according to Edward?


VII. Explain how the products that you have on your desks work. It can be either a dialogue or a monologue at your discretion[8].

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