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Тест №2

1. If I fail my exams, I ________ to take them again in the autumn.

a) have

b) have had

c) will have

2. Most computers _______ in Asia.

a) make

b) were make

c) are made

3. If I ____ a lot of money, I _____ go on holiday.

a) had, will

b) had, would

c) would have, would

4. When I woke up, everybody _________.

a) already left

b) had already left

c) would left

5. Where's the dog? It _______ in the garden.

a) is playing

b) play

c) plays

6. He ______ a new job recently.

a) has found

b) found

c) have found

7. Peter __________ when the phone rang.

a) was sleeping

b) slept

c) were sleeping

8. Football ______ all over the world.

a) is played

b) plays

c) is plays

9. If I _____ you, I wouldn't accept the proposal.

a) were

b) would

c) would be

10. When they arrived at the football stadium, the game ______.

a) started already

b) had already started

c) has already started

11. Oh! I can’t find my purse. Somebody_____ it!

a) stole

b) has stolen

c) have stolen

12. They ___yet.

a) didn’t arrive

b) haven’t arrived

c) haven’t arrive

13. English ____ all over the world.

a) are spoken

b) is spoken

c) is spoke

14. This ancient statue ____of marble.

a) was made

b) was make

c) were made

15. We can’t go out now. ____

a) It rains.

b) It’s raining.

c) It raining.

16. She usually ____ to bed at about 11.30.

a) go

b) goes

c) going

17. Kevin can’t answer the phone now. He ____a shower.

a) is having

b) has

c) having

18. When I looked out of the window, it____.

a) was raining

b) rained

c) were raining

19. I ____to the café if you pay for me.

a) come

b) will come

c) would come

20. If I were you I_____ Jill to the party.

a) will invite

b) would invite

c) invited

21. If they ____ enough money this summer, they will take a trip to France.

a) will have

b) have

c) had

22. I ______ in England ten years ago.

a) did stayed

b) stayed

c) have stayed


23. What ____at ten o’clock when I phoned?

a) did you do

b) you were doing

c) were you doing

24. She ____ dinner before her husband came home.

a) cooks

b) had cooked

c) cooked

25. When Mary arrived home, they discovered that someone____into their house.

a) break

b) broke

c) had broken

26. I____ just this chair. Don’t sit on it!

a) have painted

b) painted

c) had painted

27. Look! Jim____himself!

a) cooked

b) cooks

c) is cooking

28. If he could afford to go abroad he ____ Italy.

a) will choose

b) would choose

c) chose

29. If they ___on time, we’ll be late for the train.

a) won’t come

b) don’t come

c) not come

30. ____ the shopping last weekend?

a) Did you

b) Did you do

c) You did



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