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Задание 1. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в форме Present


Образец: Look! It (begin) to rain.

Look! It is beginning to rain.

They (wait) for us on the corner now.

They are waiting for us on the corner now.

1) I see that you (wear) your new suit today.

2) Listen! Someone (knock) at the door.

3) The bus (stop) for us now.

4) Please, be quiet! The baby (sleep).

5) The leaves (begin) to fall from the trees.

6) John (have) lunch in the cafeteria now.

7) Listen! I think the telephone (ring).

8) Ann seems to be very busy. I guess she (prepare) her English lesson.

Задание 2. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах Present Continuous:

Образец: They are working.

Are they working?

They aren’t working.

1) You are doing that exercise correctly.

2) He is looking for the book which he lost.

3) All the birds are flying south.

4) The sky is getting very dark.

5) They are laughing at what you said.

6) They are travelling in Europe at present.

7) Helen is taking dancing lessons at the country club.

8) Mr. Evans is writing a series of articles on the economic situation.

Задание 3. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в форме Past Continuous:

1) When you telephoned, I (have) dinner.

2) The baby (sleep) soundly when I went to wake him.

3) She (talk) with Mr. Smith when I saw her in the hall.

4) The accident happened while they (travel) in the South.

5) When I got up this morning, the sun (shine) brightly.

6) At seven o’clock, when you telephoned, I (read) the newspaper.

7) Mary (play) the piano when I arrived.

8) Helen fell just as she (get) off the bus.

Задание 4. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в форме Present Perfect:

1) I (speak) to him about it several times.

2) We (learn) many new words in this course.

3) He (make) that same mistake several times.

4) I (hear) that story before.

5) I am afraid that I (lose) my car keys.

6) She (see) this film three times.

7) I (tell) John what you said.

8) She (return) my book at last.

Задание 5. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в форме Past Perfect:

1) I was sure that I (see) the man before.

2) I asked him why he (leave) the party so early.

3) It was clear that he (give) us the wrong address.

4) The teacher corrected the exercises which I (prepare).

5) He knew that he (make) a serious mistake.

6) She said she (look) everywhere for the book.

7) I felt that I (meet) the man somewhere before.

8) He wanted to know what (happen) to his briefcase.

Задание 6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление времен группы Perfect:

1) Не has told her all about his travel.

2) I have never been to St. Petersburg.

3) Have you finished your homework?

4) They have been friends for years.

5) She told us that she had not finished her report yet.

6) He has been the best student in the class.

7) She said she had had her lunch.

8) They have been absent from class all week.

Задание 7. Замените в следующих предложениях действительный залог страдательным. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

Образец: They developed a new method of teaching.

A new method of teaching was developed by them.

Новый метод обучения был разработан ими.

1) The audience enjoyed the concert very much.

2) The little boy ate the cake.

3) The teacher corrects our exercises at home.

4) They started a dancing class last week.

5) Everybody will see this film soon.

6) The teacher returned our written work to us.

7) Mr. Smith will leave the tickets at the box-office.

8) The students translate texts during the lessons.

Задание 8. Замените в следующих предложениях страдательный залог действительным. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

Образец: This letter was written by John.

John wrote this letter.

Джон написал это письмо.

1) The entire city was destroyed by the fire.

2) The lecture was attended by many people.

3) The book will be published in spring.

4) The class is taught by Mr. Smith.

5) It was designed by a French engineer.

6) This book is always read by the students of the first course.

7) The letter was left on the table.

8) The house was struck by lightning.

Задание 9. Найдите в предложениях формы Participle I и Participle II. Переведите на русский язык:

1. A smiling girl. 2. A swimming man. 3. The men building our house with me are my friends. 4. Translating the article he consulted the dictionary. 5. My sister likes boiled eggs. 6. We stopped before a shut door. 7. Tied to the tree, the goat could not run away. 8. They saw overturned tables and chairs and pieces of broken glass all over the room. 9. This is a church built many years ago. 10. The books written by Dickens give us a realistic picture of the 19th century England.

Задание 10. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия:

1. The girl (writing, written) on the blackboard is our best pupil.

2. The house (surrounding, surrounded) by tall trees is very beautiful.

3. Who is that boy (doing, done) his homework at that table?

4. The floor (washing, washed) by Helen looked very clean.

5. We listened to the girls (singing, sung) Russian folk songs.

6. Do you know the girl (playing, played) in the garden?

7. The book (writing, written) by this scientist is very interesting.

8. Translate the words (writing, written) on the blackboard.

9. We could not see the sun (covering, covered) by dark clouds.

10. The (losing, lost) book was found at last.

11 (Going, gone) along the street, I met Mary and Ann.

12. Read the (translating, translated) sentences once more.

13. Name some places (visiting, visited) by you last year.

14. I picked up the pencil (lying, lain) on the floor.

15. She was reading the book (buying, bought) the day before.

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