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Тест №1

1. Jane is from Italy. ____ friend is from Spain.

a) His

b) Her

c) She


2. We’re Swedish. ____names are Tomas and Karl.

a) Our

b) We

c) Us


3. Show ____ the photos, please.

a) their

b) they

c) them


4. Joseph _____to keep fit.

a) try

b) tries

c) to try


5. My parents ____ abroad very often.

a) don’t go

b) doesn’t go

c) not go


6. Does your sister have a well-paid job? – No,____.

a) she don’t

b) she doesn’t

c) she hasn’t


7. ____ she speak English so well?

а) can

b) might

c) must


8. You ____ be so rude to your employer.

a) can’t

b) shouldn’t

c) needn’t


9. She usually ____ to bed at about 11.30.

a) go

b) goes

c) going


10. What time ______ your dog?

a) you walk

b) you walking

c) do you walk

11. I _______ a shower every day.

a) am having usually

b) am usually have

c) usually have

12. Where _________ yesterday?

a) you was

b) you were

c) were you

13. There is _______ paper on the table

a) some

b) any

c) an

14. She is _____ than she looks.

a) more older

b) older

c) oldest

15. I ______ any paper.

a) hasn't

b) haven't got

c) have got

16. I am _______ person in the world.

a) the happyest

b) the happiest

c) happier

17. Sarah ____ out last night.

a) didn’t went

b) didn’t go

c) didn’t goes

18. _____to a disco last Sunday?

a) Went you

b) Did you go

c) Did you went

19. Mike is _____ at tennis than football.

a) better

b) more good

c) best

20. A trip to Greece is _____ than a trip to Egypt.

a) expensiver

b) more expensive

c) more expensiver

21. When my granny was young, she ___ skate very well.

a) can

b) should

c) could

22. _____ I ask you some questions?

a) may

b) need

c) must

23. I haven’t got___money.

a) no

b) some

c) any

24.There is ____ sugar in this coffee.

a) a lot of

b) many

c) a lot

25. There are ____ people here already.

a) a few

b) a little

c) much

26. He ____ to you next Friday.

a) will come

b) comes

c) come

27. You know, James and Mary ____ a new car last month.

a) bought

b) have bought

c) has bought

28.____ the shopping last weekend?

a) Did you

b) Did you do

c) You did

29. Unluckily, we stayed at ____ hotel in this city

a) the worst

b) the baddest

c) worst


30. There is ____milk left.

a) a few

b) a little

c) many



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