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Sample Briefing Format

1. Does the MNS clearly address the mission area (task) deficiencies, which warrant pursuit of a materiel solution set? x x
2. Are these deficiencies linked to specific elements of a mission area assessment, mission needs analysis and /or specific mission tasks/subtasks (such as in the strategic planning process core, essential and supporting tasks)? x x
3. Does the mission analysis portion of the mission need statement address the specific nature of the deficiency relative to the accomplishment of those tasks/subtasks? x x
4. Does the threat analysis section of the mission need statement clearly define the threat in terms of the operational environment and impacts on the specific mission tasks, which need to be accomplished? x x
5. Does the “mission need” section of the mission need statement provide quantitative/ qualitative measures of effectiveness (MOE) and measures of performance (MOP) to define the standards for effective execution of specific mission tasks? This should include the measure and definition of the standard. x x
6. Does the MNS summarize analysis /evaluation of materiel alternative solution sets; e.g., mission assessment or other study? x x
7. Does the MNS contain specific information on all non-materiel (DOTL-P & F) alternatives examined, and why these changes could not be implemented? x x
8. Does the mission need statement identify potential materiel solutions, (e.g., upgrade and modification of existing systems, COTS/NDI options, systems under development by other services/allied nations, ongoing science and technology efforts, experiments, field assessments? x x
9. Does the MNS describe the potential for joint solution (set) SOF, or Service? x x


10. Are overarching constraints identified (logistics, infrastructure, technology, survivability, operational environment, programs and resources)? x x
11. Does the MNS discuss relationship to long range planning objectives, including new warfighting and support concepts? x x


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