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Appendix e






E-1. Purpose in Preparing an AoA. The AoA provides an analytical basis to support CRD and ORD development, and acquisition milestone decision (MS B) to begin an acquisition program. It is mandatory for potential ACAT I programs and may be directed by the SOCREB/CDB, Operational Validation Authority, SOAE or MDA for other ACAT levels. The AoA compares materiel alternative solutions on the basis of cost and operational effectiveness. It should address the total solution set, including changes required in non-materiel domains.


E-2. AoA Procedures. A Milestone A ADM begins the process by directing the R-IPT, SOOP, and designated user representatives to evaluate a full range of materiel alternative solutions.


E-3. AoA Report. The AoA report summarizes the essential elements of the analysis and presents the results in terms of relative cost and utility.


E-4. Initial AoA. AoA-I supports ORD development, and validation and approval of a preferred alternative during Phase 0, Concept Exploration and Definition. AoA I includes a broad range of alternative materiel concepts to satisfy the mission need. Those performance and operational characteristics and capabilities most affecting mission accomplishment as determined during the mission area assessment (MAA) defines the mission need.


E-5. Support Responsibilities. The SORR, as participating IPT members, will lead in the AoA (or requirements studies), to include programming and budgeting for concept studies, requirements analysis, and AoA, as directed by the SOCREB/CDB, or the Director, SOOP (operational validation authority.)





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