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A-11 ( ) Sustainment


a. () Deploy with the capability to self-sustain operations for fifteen (15) days.


b. () Deploying elements will coordinate with XXXX, theater executive agent for logistics support. XXXX will be responsible for coordination of service unique logistical and maintenance support.


c. () Command and Control.


(1) () USCINCXXX exercises COCOM of forces assigned to the theater in accordance with XXXXX and CJCS Joint Pub 0-2, Unified Action Armed Forces.


(2) () SOCXXX is a subordinate unified command and the USXXXCOM functional component for special operations. COMSOCXXX exercises OPCON of all SOF assigned or deployed in theater unless otherwise directed by USCINCXXX or the NCA.


A-12 () Other Responsibilities.




SECTION I – Detailed Description of Non-Materiel Need

Defense Planning Guidance Element.

a. Identify the major program-planning objective of the DPG.


b. USSOCOM Strategic Planning Guidance (SPG) and Roadmap.


c. Reference approved CONPLANS/OPLANS and Theater Engagement Plans.


d. Explain why existing capability cannot meet current or projected operational concepts.


SOF Mission Area Element and General Description of the Operational Capability Required.


a. Discuss the results of the mission area analysis, mission need analysis.


b. Describe the overall mission area and tasks. Discuss in terms of SOF Core, Essential, and Supporting tasks and relationship to SOF collateral missions, if applicable.


c. Describe the overall changes required.


d. Summarize the threat to be encountered and the projected threat environment, if any, that influence the proposed change.


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