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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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The terribleness was not yet over. A wind blew out the candle; he saw a black figure looking through the window. Was it an apparition, a ghost or some thief? The figure was moving. The Founder with tremulous voice shouted,' Kon '; ' Who '? The reply was ' Kholo ', ' Open ' The founder lighted another candle and opened the door.

The way which the stranger got in, gave the Founder reason to be sure, there was nothing like danger. The man got in, stood in front of him, salaamed him in a quick alert manner. When he salaamed, not only all the fear disappeared, but the Founder had a joy, he had perhaps a companion for the whole night.

The following conversation followed: " Who are you, Sir? " Are you the owner? " " No, The Owner is this Mother (pointing to the image). I am only Her worshipper and preacher. What is your name? What have you been doing? " " I am Gurkha. My name is Devasing. This open plot that adjoins your land is being built over. The Sheith has engaged me this evening, from next Monday. At about ten o'clock I decided, " I can go to the place I can call mine with a right as a Gurkha of the place." So I did not wait and I came over. Sir, were you with some man at Santa Cruz Station? " " Yes, Did you see me? " " Yes Sir, The man returned by the next train; he had some giddiness. So you called and dismissed a taxi. I came by the same train ".

The Founder was full of wonderfulness and gratitude. Mother has arranged for his guard, just on duty and immediately after him. " Did you spend your time somewhere? " " No, Sir, I was only following you. I was just lying in a corner of my own land. I saw first It was all dark. Then came a strong light. I thought there was electric light but some time after there was only candle light So I came to inquire ". " Yes. Were are you sleeping? You can sleep here ". The man preferred to sleep on Otta.

The Gurkha turned out to be religious. He was paid a small pay by the Founder. He served the Founder treating him as master and Guru, practically till May 1950 when the adjoining plot to the east was constructed and occupied.

A palace and a rose garden kept ready by Mother, for you. This book is for swans. Mother likes to be surrounded with swans whose hearts will overflow with love, cheerfulness and gratitude, on Her showing such playful proofs of acceptance by Her.

The next day, the Founder informed all concerned about his having gone to stay at Mai - Niwas, stating especially to his outside Mai-ists that a great facility was now made for them in as much as, so long as he was not out of Bombay [ Mumbai ] he would be found all the twenty-four hours in Mai-Niwas and that none would have to go back at any hour for the reason that he was not at the certain place. He never stirred out from 4 March 1949 to 12 September 1949 when the taxi took him to the V.T. station for going to Madras [ Chennai ]. At Madras too, where he went fulfilling Mother's Command, he was for over a month in one house only, without having a single look at anything of Madras, except some four places where Mai Worship was conducted on grand scale. The Founder began to say to others," If you want real peace of mind, true understanding and overflows of devotion, confine your body in a particular place, your tongue in the mouth and your eye-pupils within their eye - lids, as far as you can. Then alone you can have introspection, self-control and true understanding of Divine wisdom and super-natural powers to afford relief to others, as curing illness etc."

The first lesson which Mai Swarupa [ the Founder himself ] gives is: First create amplest leisure of time by withdrawing yourself from so many useless physical and mental activities. Humility, gratefulness, forgiving, pleasure of giving, truthfulness, mercifulness etc. these are the very first foundations of true religiosity. Next preserve your sexual energy. Third thing, you establish a saintly contact. Contact with God and Guru. If nothing can be done, see that you are for the maximum hours in a day, in presence of one superior to you in any realm, religious, social or even professional.

The Founder was for making the walls of Mai-Niwas speak for what principals it stood. In a poor man's way, he cut out important pieces from all his writings and graced the wall pasting these printed extracts on cardboards and nailing them on the walls. He further purchased a cupboard in which he placed all the copies he had and with bold letters put up a slip on the cup-board, " FREE FOR ALL: DEMAND ANY COPY ".

Just near the main entrance, he affixed typed copies of the following:- Rules and regulations regarding Place, Persons and Programmes:- 1] Don't pollute the purity of this place of Mother-worship and Mother's residence, by worldly talk, idle gossiping or business. 2] Your coming here must be for some specific purpose of dealing with Mother as, for Prayer, worship, Mantra, solving difficulties, true religious understanding etc. 3] Observe as much as silence as possible. Your talks about even the casual things with your friends should be in a tone of whisper and only when inevitable. 4] Don't seek forming acquaintances here or ask questions of self-interest or curiosity. 5] The only talk permissible here is that of God, Mother and Religion. Politics is strictly forbidden here. 6] Leave the place as soon as your specific work or programme is finished Don't waste precious time of yours and of others. 7] None is permitted to sleep here except servants and outside visitors coming for Mother's worship from Mofusil places and persons that are specially permitted for specific reasons. 8] No outsider who is not a known Mai-ist is permitted to halt here and the latter for three nights only and with his own arrangements for everything. 9] Everyone standing, sitting or stopping under this roof has to pass his time with best behavior and practically in devotional mood with strict observance of this Mai-istic tenets: - a) Spirit of practical sisterhood and brotherhood b) No distinction of cast, creed, colour, community, parentage, sex, literacy, position, status, means etc. c) Love in the form of reverence, helping co-operation, kindness etc. d) Activity of selfless service. e) Devotional approach and attitude. f) Unconditional cheerful self-surrender to Mother's Divine Will.

Re: Attainment of Mother's Grace: - [1] Everyone needs Mother's Grace at every step, in this tempestuous time. [2] God approached as Mother, is more suited for Grace as 'Mother ' is Mercy, while Father is Justice. [3] Speaking about worldly benefits alone (not to speak of spiritual benefits), Mother has wonderfully fulfilled desires of Her devotees. Mother is at their beck and call as She wants to teach Her sons and daughters the simplest, straight and speedy Royal Road to health, wealth, peace, prosperity and happiness, through the observance of the fundamental principles preached under Mai-ism. [4] The poor have become prosperous, patients of incurable disease have become healthy, lunatics have become wise, the homeless have built bungalows, the unemployed have become officers, unmarried have got suitable matches, marital disunions have been reconciled, connubial relations have been relishing, hearts breaks have been healed up, worries of impending calamities have been tided over, barren women have delivered sons, downfalls from great heights have been hurtless, business have flourished, litigations have succeeded, relief of solid help and entire removal of miseries have happened and many other miracles have happened on staunch devotion to Mother. [5] Persons desirous of attaining Mother's Grace should approach Founder for along chat by previous appointment. [6] Detailed study of ' Mother's Message ' and serious reading of ' Mother's Thousand Names ' will enable the aspirants to decide if the path and philosophy of Mai-ism will suit them. Truly religious persons will find Mai-ism to be most suited. People with unprejudiced open universal and straight mentality with modernized way of living, judging and believing will immediately accept Mai-ism as it does not in any way interfere with one's own ancestral religion and worship. [7] Once the aspirant feels to be in natural waters under Mai-ism, he has simply to climb up by leaps and bounds. [8] He has to make up his mind to set aside certain hours for daily spiritual work of devotion. [9] The Sadhak will be himself wondering at the most favorable happenings and at his spiritual progress. He will feel indescribable joy and beatitude-ful breeze of Mother's Grace. He will see he has some super-natural powers, is helped by unseen in every detail. He will be sure he is not the same person as before, that he has sublimated his soul. In a word, he will have a conviction that mother has showered Her Grace on him. [10] What is true for one man is true for another, and equally or much more true for a woman, under Mai-ism, as a woman has a softer heart, more suited for devotion and Mother's pity-invocation.

Regarding Prayers and Meditations Etc.: - {1} Persons desirous of offering prayer or practicing meditation should be pre-arrange details on consultation with the Founder. {2} Prayers intensely offered have been mercifully answered. {3} Prayers are to be for:- a) Legitimate gains only. b)Removing miseries only. c) Removal of sins. d) General smooth running of worldly life of oneself and family. e) Seeing and relishing and living the higher life, above money making and sense living. f) Enlisting oneself in Mother's service. g) Desire of evolution and emancipation, success in striving and struggling to go higher for introspective powers, knowledge, vision, devotion, meditation, renunciation, progress, peace, relief and happiness. h) Intensifying the spirit of service to all children of Mother and to Mother. I) Being prepared for unconditional self-surrender to the Divine Will of Mother. {4} Black-magic about harming or exploiting others results in Mother's Wrathfulness. {5} Prayers offered here for enslaving others or subjugating them to one's own will, have been treated most mercilessly by Mother. {6} No purely personal aggressive, illegitimate gains here. No exemption from sexual sin here.{7} Please don't forget that Mother is the Final-most-Mother; God as Universal Mother; Mother to every one of any religion or to any one who approaches Her as child with Love and Service to all her children, Devotion and Surrender to Her Will. {8} Noblest prayers are: - a) Let all be happy. b) Let none suffer from pain and misery c) make use of me, my humble service for Thee and Thy children d) Depute Thy devotees to successfully serve as saviors of this world of ignorance and sin. {9} Prayer for oneself is not most efficacious. Best prayer is for others or for Universal Welfare, as then, others will pray for you and in case of that failing, Mother will not wait for your prayers and will run down to you, for your relief and to help you, even before you pray.

Meditation: - This can be subjective, objective or through geometrical figures. Consult the Founder.

The following two descriptions, one by an interviewer when the Founder was in silent serious hours with his associates, and the other when he was in easy-going mood, may be read with interest. The silent meeting interviewer saw him at his temporary residence on Tagore Road, Santa Cruz, at about 8 p.m. on a Tuesday in 1940. He describes his interview as under:-

" The Master's programme on Friday nights is quite different from that of silent meetings on Tuesdays, when only the nearest people gathered round him. The Master was simultaneously dealing with about twelve persons when I entered the place, sisters and brothers. Here was a silent sitting, without a single person knowing or trying to know what was passing in other's minds, or between the Master and each of them, in the powerful authoritative language of silence. In the midst of a big hall, there was a swing on which Master was lying with pillows under his head and sides, with a hanging leg with which at long intervals, he was giving a slight motion to the swing. He ware a loosely tied dhoti and a malmal shirt which was never buttoned up. Each one that came in, entered with a pin drop silence prostrated and on receiving blessings took suitable seat wherefrom the face of Master could be seen.

"The blessings differed with every person. Some prostrators, he would at once raise up with a jerk, some gradually and slowly, some he will allow to continue prostrating for over five minutes. Regarding some, he would smoothly moves his hand over the prostrating back, some he would raise up with the catching and lifting up the chin, some by patting strokes, some by contacting their heads with pointed and forcefully placed pressing fingers. Some he would raise up by snip of fingers, some by slowly moving the hand over the forehead. No two persons were blessed in the same manner, which made it clear to anyone that the blessing method indicated person stood with reference to God Guru and one's self.

The raising by sudden jerk conveyed the idea to the prostrator " You have come too early." Gradually and slowly raised prostrators were conveyed that Mother's Grace on them was slow but steady and that they should continue with faith and patience. Continued prostration without the touch meant, the prostrator must severely repent for his wrong acts or behavior before he can be entitled to Mother's Grace as before. The hand contact by inverted finger nail strokes after a long bending, meant he was forgiven, but was warned not to repeat the wrong. Smooth moving of the hand on the back meant, full sympathy in the bereavement for which the prostrator was not responsible. The lifting by the chin meant Mother loved the prostrator like a child, although there was enough of folly. Contact on head means sympathy in efforts to understand analyse and set right the mental disquietude. The snip of the fingers meant cautioning against the very likely slip. Touching the forehead meant substitution of sublime thoughts for routine and rotten thoughts.

" Between the arrival and departure, and the prostrations and blessings, there was nothing but a silent pause and exchange of eyes and the respectful obedient demeanor. The spirit imbibing process began for each disciple with an earnest profound staring at the figure of the Master and keeping the eyes closed with meditation, except at long intervals, when the eyes opened for a few seconds again to close.

" New visitors coming for the first time were looked upon by the Master by a visible turnoff his deep-reading eyes, from the toe to the top.If the new visitor were proud of their wealth, knowledge or devotion, the Master would pamper to their vanity and dispose them off quickly. To the wealth proud he would say,' It is nice to talk about religion and to boast about Jnana and Bhakti, but the wealth possessor is the real Vishnu on earth. ' To the Jnana proud, the Master would say,' Mere devotion is blind. Real thing is Jnana which you have acquired.' To the devotion proud he would say," You have your Istha-devata in your fist. What a small creature am I, for you to have come down all the way? "

" After one hour meeting silently dispersed. "

In the other case the visitor went to see him at Mai - Niwas in one of the evenings of 1949. He soon recognized the building, but to his surprise it had neither the augustness nor the silence of an Ashram. What does one find? Out and out rowdism of more then a dozen boys and girls below fourteen, simply a noise, an indiscipline crowd of them.

The stranger had the courtesy of not going in straight. He could infer from all that shouting, running, quarreling, mutual chasing etc. was going on with the presence of some elderly person of that place who was simply seated on his cot as if he were deaf and dumb and lame. In the open spaces around the building, cows and bulls and dogs and goats and crows were in their full mischievous playfulness.

The visitor had a feeling of disgust. He said to himself, " What sort of Ashram is this and what sort of saint he is? " The disgust abated after climax and turned to a scoffing curiosity of seeming things. Some boys were running up on the terraces. Some boys were simply switching on and off all the lights. The visitor was sick of the scene. His modern living mental set up of, " Who are you to touch my things? With whose permission did you enter this place? Don't disturb me. Get out. ", was overpowering him.

Just then, some cows and bulls climbed up the steps, made their way to the kitchen door. All were disturbed, the gangs were broken and every one of them, boys and girls ran away.

The visitor said to himself," All are gone. I loose nothing in seeing the man." Suddenly he heard a musical voice singing. It looked the man was coming out. Out he came. He welcomed the visitor, " Come in, please ". The visitor stepped in. But where does the former inquire his name, place or purpose? He turns to the image and sings. [ The Founder was Honorary Examiner in Music for Bombay Government. ]

" Bazuza Khairata Kucha Apna Nahi Hai." (Except charity absolutely nothing is ours.)

The visitor has evaporated from his eyes and mind. The man sings the same line over and over, with different modulations; his feet are with great difficulty prevented from dancing, by his own body heaviness.

Tears flow. He wipes them with the end of his dhoti. Feet loose all shyness. They joins the hands to make the music more beautiful. There is a choking in the heart. He weeps. He sits down. Gets up, applies his head to the feet of the image, lifts up the image, puts it back. The zazba (spiritual effervescence) is slowly coming down with the repetition of the line.

It took about 15 to 20 minutes. He ran into he bathroom, not minding the visitor, washed his face and came to welcome the visitor. " Come in, Sir,Come in. I am sorry I had to keep you waiting. But I was helpless. " He effort fully composed himself, to be on the normal plane.

The visitor was lost in the ocean of spiritual emotions. He did not think of any formality. He could not raise his tongue to create a jarring noise to disturb himself and to pull his mind to the mental plane from the ocean of undreamt sweetness and wonder; the wonder was gradually transforming itself to reverential worshippingness.

Said the Founder, " One Friday night, the last devotee getting up to go, found a thief concealing himself, caught him and brought him to me asking me if he should hand him over the police. I said No, and told the thief, ' to take away whatever you like from here. ' The thief was put to shame and was let loose. Except what Mother permits and enables me to enjoy, nothings belongs to me; not even my own body, mind, heart and soul is mine. "

Pointing his finger to the Mother and unable to utter even a single syllable, the Founder could not hold himself erect and standing. He dropped himself down simply sat on the ground and began starring at visitor, speechlessly, as if busy with the work of sublimating and reconstituting the visitor's soul.

Jay Mai. Jay Mai. Jay Mai.







The Founder's first residence in Bombay (Mumbai) was that of Parixit M. Rai in Santa Cruz, the second of P.D. Dalal in Malad and the third of Pramodshankar M. Dixit in Matunga. This P.M.D., a pucca scientist and atheist had wonderful experiences of Mother's Grace. He was suffering from an incurable disease. Someone told him," When you are fully assured the disease cannot be cured by any doctor, tell me, I will bring you a religious doctor who will surely cure you."

The Founder was taken to P.M.D. He could not pass stools without a painful crying for an hour and half. The host began thus," I do not believe in God and religion and all the humbugs going in the name of religion. In as much however as my wife and children have a claim over me, I do not object to following your any instructions. "His wife and daughter begged the Founder's pardon and entreated the Founder not to mind the impudence. The Founder said," You have no idea of Mother's Mercy. I will be here next Friday."

The next Friday, the Founder prayed to the Mother that was installed and performed his Mantras etc. and gave him water; " Just have a drink and go to your lavatory." Wonder of wonders. No pain at all. Atheism which was there for over forty nine years evaporated in two hours. P.M.D. asked, "What is the whole process working? " Founder said, "MOTHER'S PURE AND SIMPLE GRACE."

A change can - not be complete in a day. P.M.D. began to think in a way, that there may be certain effects of previous treatments, which accidently synchronized with his drinking the " Sanctified water ". He very respectfully and apologetically expressed his doubts. Founder said," Do you think you are cured? Well then, report to me the results of tomorrow." The same old crying. P.M.D. was convinced that the medicine lay latent in the magnetized Lotus Feet waters.

P.M.D. argued there must be something like a phonetic effect. A certain sound may be attracting from the ether which might have the curing property. Founder said," What is the meaning of this obstinacy? If you find a wonderful drug administered to you by a doctor of medicine, would you not believe in the story as to how and where it was prepared? What is the meaning of your fabricating some argument based on imagination and dismissing the theory explained by the successful experimenter himself?" P.M.D. decided to perform the very same things which the Founder did. The water did give a partial effect. There were repetitions of experiences. Founder's water had a full effect. P's water had a partial effect,. No water sipping, the same old crying. P had already after a few days, turn to be a believer; but still up till now, he believes there is something in the Founder himself and he does not go beyond the Founder, although he now admits the existence of God in an abstract conception. He would insist on holding," You yourself are Mai, you can do what you will; I have no proof for believing there is some higher power outside you and other than you working through you. I simply accept because you say so."

A combination of a scientific brain and a devotional heart is a rarity. Science and religion although seemingly diagonally opposite are right and left hands of, or the horizontal or vertical wheels of a compact a machinery, which serve humanity, and are both subservient to the Mother's Divine Will. The one deals with the grossest element of matter and the with the subtlest element of mind.

Founder had to stay at Malad and could not go to P.M.D. as often as required. P.M.D. suggested," You depute your powers to my daughter." Founder deputed his powers to her for the period P.M.D. was ill. She was made to sit before Mother and the needful initiation and delegation ceremony was done. The disease was entirely cured within nine weeks - the usual time which Founder states to all.

There are certain peculiarities about the Founder, which are interesting. One thing is, he is extremely fond of mango pickles or pungent things. If there is a case of high fever, he would ask for hot pickles or for pungent chutney. As he would go on eating, at intervals, the temperature would go down. Once in Poona [Pune], Founder was called for by a sister who attended Mother's worship on Fridays; the lady said her husband had fever, their nephew was to be married at Surat and their programme was to start the next evening and they were to perform the ceremony. What will happen? Said the Founder laughingly," Do you require to be yet taught the remedy, after personal experience? Whole thing depends on the quantity of pickles you can spare for Mai ". The Founder returned home. In the morning he was informed a big pickle jar was received from G-sahib. Founder laughed outright and send a note to the lady that he would see that there is no fever at least till they return from Surat. There was no fever.

At Hubli, a high fever was reported to Founder by the mother of an officer. Founder replied," Prepare the nicest pungent chutney and send it immediately. " This was at 10 A.M. At 5 p.m. the mother came; she said the fever was increasing. Founder said in a low tone," What else can it be, if you can not send even two annas' worth of chutney to Mai? " Mother said," What do you talk? I had immediately sent it ". It was not received. The officer's peon had gone home intending to hand it over to Founder before night meals. Said the Founder," Well, you can't go now." He asked his cook to prepare chutney and began to eat it. He said to her," You are not to go till news comes from your home that he is normal." Very soon the peon came with the said news.

The Founder has funny ways. Whenever there is a serious case of disease, Founder asks for a beautiful note book with best paper and best wrapper. He would then retire in a room and go on writing what pleases him. The note book is not to be returned. His absorption in Mother while singing Her praises and writing them in the note book would be working miraculous there. Nine Fridays would be the maximum time.

Founder explains the whole working as under: - First of all, let it be clear that there is nothing in me. Mother has me only an instrument for Her own work. She wants that the world should be the world of Mai-ists believing in the six tenets, with all the secondary matters of religion only a secondary importance and considered almost dispensable.

Re: The working process: The installation of Mother is great thing in itself. Once the Mother is installed. although She may be ignored as soon as the calamity is gone, yet someone in the house would be taking a liking and a devotional relish and though in a broken and discontinuous way, the worship will have a more or less permanent footing in the family on Mother giving proofs after proofs of Her Grace. The Universal simple teaching of Mai-ism will spread gradually and the world will be better.

The Founder says," The highest human blunder is, people do not realize. Every smallest thing you yourself have to achieve by your own exertion. Nothing will automatically happen by itself. " Founder also says," Do not expect higher things to come up without Mother's Mercy and Guru's Grace. On the spiritual path you need a Guru, whoever he be, who is deeply interested in your welfare, and in whom you have full faith. Let him only one step ahead of you. That is enough. The test of a solid Guru - Shishya relationship is how far Guru loves you and how far you love, confine in him and serve him. Guru does serve you but on a higher plane.

The process starts with the disciple moving the heart of the Guru to get a certain thing from Mother. The Guru does not know the disciple's innermost intensions or his worthiness and his place and part in the cosmic arrangement. The Guru knows everything past, present and future is a faith and not always a fact. It therefor may happen that Mother may refuse to give because neither the Guru nor the disciple knows what is good or bad for the disciple.

There are instances which show that while Mother is refusing a certain demand, She has been actually saving a man from a long sightedly seen calamity. The difficulty comes in because most of us are habitual shameless beggars. There is no end to asking and begging.

Here the Mai-istic outlook is different. Mai-ism does understand that Nishkama Bhakti is superior to Sakama Bhakti. The difference is here. Mai-ism does not call him a shameless beggar whose begging has no end. Mai-ism does not drive him out, does not spurn him. Mai-ism has the heart of a Mother. Mai-ism does not call such a person a shameless beggar, but a senseless immature child. It is easy for a college principle to select only first class boys for admission and show brilliant results. That is not for them, who want to see the whole world enjoys the benefit of being educated. Mai-ism believes in lifting the person at whichever stage that person is.

At the All Faiths-Conference in 1933, the Founder said," To the true Mother's son, murderers are brothers and wayward women are sisters."

The Founder says, people as also preachers totally forget how practically impossible it is for anyone to leave off his desires simply because some preachers tell him," Don't desire. Curb your desires. Be desire less." Mai-ism takes an extremely patient view. It says," Children are bound to be so. Let them grow in wisdom. A time will surely come when without telling them you should not ask, they themselves will not ask."

Moving Mother to shower Her Mercy for a simple legitimate desire is often done by the Guru. Both Guru and disciple, sitting at the same precise hour, where they may be, repeat the same Mantra and meditate on Mother's picture. In synchronism with the disciple, the Guru performs the first part, but the second part of the Guru involves much harder work. He has to be annexing his mind with that of the disciple at one end, and the Mother at the other. He has to be the connecting link, with single pointedness and devotional meditation. The Mother acceptable efficiency of the second part, would depend on the true relationship between Guru and disciple. Mother's Mercy, Guru's Grace, disciple's exertion all three together bring forth a certain desired result. As to the remedies of pleasing God and Guru, the same universal Mai-istic formula holds good: " Love, Service, Devotion and Self Surrender."

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