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The reader can imagine the double difficulty, the Founder wept Mother, " Why do you bring such a distressed souls if you can do nothing? "

It was a dilemma. At 8 p.m. (the train leaving at 9 p.m.) the Founder's door was knocked. In came a young man with fever just down, his beautiful wife and his wickedness incarnate mother. Founder adopted the sweet tone, welcomed them and with the speech of Mother, asked them all to be wise. The distressed was keeping his head low. The wife said," I have to say something." Founder told her," I have no time.I have to catch the mail. I am already late.Is it anything more than a little evil eye, some joke or some little external departure from strict morality? But should that have brought him to a stage of such a suffering by your retaliation? "He mad a summary trial; said he to the distressed," Prostrate to Thy mother here, and you mother, forgive him. Now he is your son. " He was obeyed and the bitterness was buried. Founder took Rs. 25 from his purse and gave that sum to the lady as Mother's Prasad; he did everything so hurriedly and flew away to the station.

He was late but the train too was late. Seeing the Founder coming up with Mother's picture reverentially held up in his hands, the mail guard opened an unoccupied second class compartment. He traveled all alone to Dharwar, talking with his Mother in the night breeze, till at Belgaum the worship previously referred to was conducted.

The Founder was a house-holder. He had neither advantage of a Hindu saint nor of a Sanyasin in the matter of public approbation. On the other hand all the disadvantages of being a house-holder were there. His religion was to serve the public and not to be worshipped and served. He was not rich. He had spent a good deal for Mother. to him the expenses of a son's marriage were nothing of greater importance than a Mother's function, if not of less importance. His pension has been decided to be Rs. 114 p.m.. hardly enough for himself and family.

The problem was a taxing one. But the more unhopeful the problem presented itself to be, the more determined he became to have his " Mai - Niwas ", for himself and his Mother.

With tears in his eyes, the Founder would thus talk to Mother, " Mother, Shalt Thou not condescend to live longer than myself, for world's welfare? Well, if that be Thy cruel wish, we shall die together simultaneously and be burnt together, but we shall live alone together for a few years of my life." His feelings described in his rambling language (from his green diary 20-07-1945):- From the worldly point of view, my wife and children are most unfortunate. Their husband and parent has left very little for them, as he was Mother-mad in matter of spending for Mother. He has neither the public support of the religious world, nor is public opinion in India so developed with free thinking and independence of action, as to make people come forward with money to help the religious cause which they actually hold dear. People are swinging between the old and the new religious ideals and I too am swinging between a recluse and a house-holders life.People cherish new ideals but support the old ones. For relief of distress, people come to Mai and for thanks giving and charity, they go to their old deities and ashrams.Mai will give a prosperous lift or avert some danger through a daily programme of Mantras and the wholesale responsibility of the Founder, but the donation will go some Mataji or ashram.The idea itself of meeting expenses by a system of donation or an institutional fee is quite foreign to me. My children are in no way responsible for whatever I have received or will receive for Mother's work.The property which I possess at the time of death is my personal one. All monies that I have received or will receive, is by way of Mother's Grace to me while praying hard to remove miseries of different types."

Any saint is after all a living man; he naturally has a soft corner for all that have suffered for him. He is however booked for different type of work.In course of time so many moths crowd round the light. A hillock is formed round the saint. The hillock is made all types of people.The saint himself does not wish a hillock be formed. The hillock is made of warring elements; the strongest man has the chance of usurping the master-ship., not only of the hillock but the saint himself. The saint sees all the currents round him.Says he, " Oh, Mother, I never craved for a hillock. At least save me now. "It is a matter of repeated occurrence that the world never cares to know how a saint fares, but as soon as he brings forth something worth the name the world comes forth like a swarm of locusts to give him directions and to have the hand in the management of all affairs.

He had to decide his future line of working and living. He did not seek other official service.As a matter of fact he refused offers of appointment. He became full time Mother's servant from August 1945.

There were several experiences which made him to think that it was Mother's desire that a Mai Niwas of independent ownership by the Founder should be there.

Unbelievably, events took place as if Mother was arranging for the finance. One rich lady of Bombay [The lady was Mrs. kale - her husband was engineer] who attended Mother's Lodge meetings and came to Bombay (Mumbai) whenever he used to go to Bombay from Poona or Hubli, had her husband on death-bed.The Founder was called for. He went from Hubli to Bombay, prayed and gave every instruction and a daily programme of mental repetition, worship, devotion, spiritualised waters etc. He was told by a most responsible reliable nearest relative that if the husband survived, Rs. 5000 were to be spent in charity for the recovery. The Founder worked day and night, devoting two to three hours every night between 12 a.m. to 3 a.m. and the least hoped for the result was there by Mother's special Grace. What can be the greater reason than the lady's letter that by Mother's Grace the husband was alright and that she would not forget to make a handsome charity to Mother's cause, for the Founder to be presume that he was sure to get Rs. 5000 on the husband's full recovery?

The Founder was extremely enthusiastic on getting her letter. He purchased a plot of 12 Gunthas immediately in Hubli for Rs. 2000. Founder believes that for every moment lapsing between a good -luck and thanksgiving, a man is an extremely heavy loser. He is without the protection of Mother.

[ Founder's experience s are very interesting. He was once travelling from Belgaum to Nipani in a bus. Bus would have several halts on the way.Just after the bus started from a halt, the Founder saw someone selling jasmine flowers. He asked the driver to stop for few minutes as he wanted to purchase the flowers for his Mother. The driver said he won't stop. Founder explained," I am no ordinary routine worshipper. If you don't you will find your bus can't go after sometime.You shall have to bring the bus back." The chauffeur scornfully laughed. After some furlongs machine went wrong and could not proceed. The passengers all got exasperated due to delay. Said the Founder," I can make it run. You promise you will take me back to those jasmine flowers ". The chauffeur with grim faced agreed. Said Founder," Well than, be all on your seats ". All passengers got in. Founder was in the front seat. Said he in a child -like way,: Mother see see the chauffeur has agreed to go back. Don't you want to be worshipped with beautiful jasmine flowers? I will purchase the whole basket. I will worship Thee as soon as I reach. It is getting late. Now don't make delay. " Said he to the chauffeur, " Start ". The motor immediately, to the joyful surprise of all, worked up. Founder purchased the whole basket and reached the travellers' bungalow in time and worshipped his Mother with every endearment. He satisfied his principle of promptitude.

Once you have established relationship with Mother, it is your choice to set up the standard for give and take or postponement. Mother's speed to your call will depend on the intensity and impatience with which you offer your thanksgiving. Mother accepts and adopts standard which you yourself lay down.

It is serving one's own interest to see that the connection once given is not cut off.Every wise man must have before his mind, while dealing with religious matters and Divine aid, this fact viz., that such relations are quite delicate and therefor extremely tender as a flower, fragile like glass and quickly falling from invaluableness to valuelessness as a pearl. Further, we remain in the dark as to when Mother's Grace is withdrawn. ]

In a less than a week, since he had the information from the lady, he got every thing ready. The deed was registered. The land was demarcated. However the charity did not came forth. On the other hand reports were heard that handsome charities were made at several quarters. One day, the Founder had the money order of Rupees Twenty five with an endorsement in the coupon to the purport that he amount was sent by the way of the recognition of Mother's Grace for the husband's recovery. The Founder had paid Rs. 1000 from his own purse to the vendor and Rs. 1000 more had to be paid. The Founder's sorrowfulness and awkward position may be better imagined than described.

Just then, an extremely liberal minded, practically a relative, though of another caste, was staying with the Founder as his wife was suffering from tuberculosis. The gentleman of an extremely liberal heart had some experience of the Founder's powers. He had appeared for an examination; he had no hope. The first thing he did was to inform the Founder about it and to pray. To his greater astonishment he passed. He was now a big man. His wife was suffering from T.B.. He inquired by telegram," S.S.L. suffering from T.B.What do you advice Meeraj or Devlali?" Founder replied, " If you have faith in Mother, neither Meeraj nor Deolali, but Hubli. "The devotee took the Founder at his word and went straight to Hubli."

The devotee [ Pranjivan D. Dalal-Executor of Universal Mai-ism Trust ] with his wife [ Mrs. Sushila Dalal ] and a daughter were present when the Money Order of Rupees 25 was received. They could see the Founder's eyes wept. On their repeated pressure, the facts had to be explained. The devotee went to his room and returned with his cheque-book, he wrote Rs 1000 in Founder's name. Said he, " Kakaji, Don't be sorry. Here you are. Founder was more than liquefied. Said he, "Mother bless you my children". He turned with a forcefulness to Mother and began to speak in loud words, " Don't you see difference between men and men? Remove this T.B. forthwith immediately. Now and now. " Founder closed his eyes and after a few moments told them," Mother has been pleased to take away your T.B. You now proceed to Bombay and get your re-examination. Just as you tore of my anxiety with the cheque, so has Mother too torn off your calamity of the fell disease. ". The couple started the next day with greatest joy. Got the lady examined. She had no T.B. T.B. was gone forever.

The couple returned to Hubli, they proposed that the Founder should stay permanently in Bombay (Mumbai).This devotee proposed that a plot of 1600 square yards be purchased in Santa Cruz which would be enough for two bungalows, the front one for the Founder and the rear one for the devotee. A plot on Saraswati Road was purchased. The Founder was in position to pay off an advance Rs. 1000 for the plot.

He was determined and for only a small hut of matting and bamboos, if nothing better can be managed. He had the unflinching resoluteness of having any abode where he can stay with Mother in solitude.

This incident of T.B. cure gave a lift to the Founder. He was accepted with every reverence that a saint can command in Bombay. Were it not that the Founder had an established home in Bombay, it would not have been possible for him to settle in Bombay and construct his Mai-Niwas.

One more thing that added to the glory of Mai-ism was the publication of a long article in " Sunday Times " of Madras on 2 - December - 1945, " MAI-ISM A NEW FAITH " written by " a pilgrim" - a retired Goverment Officer. This is a summary of the article:-

" When we think of a saint, the picture of one in a saffron robes with a tonsured head come into our minds.Orthodoxy sets its face against any departure from rigid rules relating to even dress and behavior. But cropped heads, collars and ties, and pants and boots have come to stay in modern life and if religion can not be capable of existing with them, it is religion that has to depart.

Some time ago I had heard reports of a new saint in Hubli and his miraculous powers.On the night I reached Hubli, I saw a telegram which had just come saying," Child safe. Mother's Grace is unfathomable." Evidently there was frantic appeal from the parents to this live - wire of infinite Love for help with the result the telegram indicated. My stay with him was a unique experience. There were no rituals.It was all simple, but what a world of difference in the atmosphere of sincerity love and devotion!

His theology is simple. He realizes Love as the Supreme force and God as Mother. Mother and child relationship is the speciality. Mai-ism according to him is the Universal religion, or Mai-ism can take under its wings the followers of any religion without submitting the charge of apostasy.

Let me warn the reader that if he expects to find a saint in saffron robes, he will be disappointed. Instead, he will meet a person wearing collar, tie and paints, familiar with every body and looking like challenge to orthodoxy. The vulgar crowd can not know a saint unless he is accompanied with external insignia and hence has not spotted him. Luckily this is an advantage to the honest seeker."

The fact of the purchase of a plot was communicated to all. Madrasis were the first people that came forth each with a handsome donation.

Jay Mai Jay Mai Jay Mai





The Founder retired from Hubli in August 1945. The wonderful speed with which things were progressing was giving him greater and greater assurance about Mother's Will. His heart was dancing with joy. He said to himself," if such people as poor Madrasis were ready to spare one- third of their pay, he was sure to have the personal assistance of thousands from Bombay [ Mumbai ], Ahmedabad and Gujarat so very easily. " The rich and religious and charity-minded Gujarat had known and tasted Mai-ism for over ten years.

The Founder had helped so many from so many hardships, such as none would like to be mentioned in public, most wonderfully and miraculously.

The Founder gets sickened when he reviews this question after his disillusionment about what the world in its natural constituency is. The less said the better. The Founder saw in one year what he had not dreamt of in over fifty-five years. The whole world changed as soon as he gave an utterance to his intension of expecting some financial help for doing Mother's work, which he had been doing for so many years in the past and which the world had enjoyed at the Founder's expense. People who had wept before him and whose tears he had wiped, began to talk to him as a house-master would speak to a door-beggar.

People began to talk about a trust and a committee. The Founder was agreeable to the proposal. Both proposals were placed before persons interested, but there was not a single man coming forth with any interest whatsoever, either to touch his purse or to move his hands and feet to go to another. Ahmedabad went one step further. Some-one with responsible life-status and education abroad argued, " Where is the need of a building for doing Mother's work? Can it not be done on a Verandah? " Some one would say to him, " If you had an idea of getting money from us to do the work, why did you not begin from very commencement to sell Mother's Grace? " Some one would ask, " Since what date Mother has taken to begging? Is Mother for giving or receiving? " Some would say," Your powers you have lost. They are all consumed; if not, why does not Mother Herself give you a lottery? " Some one will say," Come on, cheer up. I am helping you. I will give ten per cent of my gains for Mother's work, on my getting money through your lips ". The master stroke was this, " If you have no money to continue your fads, why don't you be wise and sit silent in an un-known corner? " Some would say," Your egoism has not died. Who are you to say improve the world? " Some had heartlessness of questioning," What will happen when you die? That is the most important question. " Some one illumined him by suggesting to him to give an undertaking to the effect that none of his family members would ever step into the place.

The climax was there when one of the Founder's relatives, on a Friday while going out for work, in his motor said in a threatening manner with the rights of an elderly relative to another," There is nothing more to think about or to do regarding him. He has already turned mad. Confine him in a room and give him two meals a day and keep all necessary arrangements for his bodily requirement. " This was said in the presence of the Founder and indirectly to him and both started out towards the city for their work. The Founder wept with an out burst of tears shouting to Mother, " My own nearest relatives do not understand me and have not even an iota of love or respect for my work of Thine ".

The motor which carried the relatives had a severe accident, although they were saved. The motor had to be sent for immediate repairs. In the evening, while returning in the repaired motor, they had a second accident. The motor was sent back for repairs and they had to return in some friend's car. On arriving home the younger relative informed the family of the accident details and with tears in his eyes, embraced the Founder and asked his apology, for the cruel words the eldest relative had addressed to the Founder. The elder relative indirectly joined the younger in his apology maintaining his status, but with every affectionate love.

The Founder would sit for nights, in the terrace of the place at Malad and would be gazing at the moon and praying to Mother. One night, he burst into such a loud laughter, that some of the family members come running to enquire why he was laughing. Founder said, " This world, Mother has made funniest enough to nullify the highest serenity. I was temporarily unhappy because I left the Mother's lap and too much trusted in the world and expected its sympathetic co-operation for my Mai's work. I have seen now the world in its true colors. But now I laugh outright ".

" Yes Mother has promised me. My desire of constructing ' Mai Niwas ' shall not remain unfulfilled. I am given a tip. I will do nothing from now by way of troubling Mother for Mother's Grace to remove the miseries of persons that approach me, without their promise to do something for Mother in return; that something may be what they themselves decide. But nothing free from now except for the really poor. Mother has promised me. She will try best to give me prompt happy results in response to my prayers for the relief of people of individual cases."

The fact that he did not get money from the public was now taken by him to mean no disqualification. In the matter of charities, he had a vivid picture. Most charities were out of fear of God, or for fame, or for some whitewashing some black spot or for catching opportunity to widen business or for removing burden of conscience-sting.

The world has to be tackled most diplomatically. To spread one's religion, you should study other religions. Both these views look strange at first, as many saints have neither studied various philosophies nor been under the smallest shadow of wickedness.

When any saint is described as illiterate, that means, one: that he did not go through the regular schooling course; second: that those saints knew little about two penny matters.

The fact is this: if you believe in past lives, the saint has acquired those acquisitions through experiences in past lives. If you don't, he is actually born with certain perfections, or say supremely high faculties. Either way, the thing which people think as absent, being invisible, is invisibly there.

Saints have known the Divine Law and the eternal truths. They have accepted them once for all. Every detail of their living is guided with that wisdom of those truths. So to say, every action of theirs originates from the conviction of those eternal truths. Saints have evolved all their wisdom into their instinctive or super-conscious faculties.

The Founder for years together did not know what ' L.B.W. ' in cricket means. Once the Founder was invited, in a club, to be a partner in bridge. He was so much pressed that he had to say it out, he did not know the A.B.C. of the game. Some mildly smiled, some loudly laughed. One of them, a distinguished officer, saved his humiliation by saying, " He is not a bridge player, but a bridge builder for all of us to go to our God."

One night he was in communion with Mother, when Mother cooled him down," Is it not what every religious man has stated that the world is full of wickedness?" One educated man in Ahmedabad told the Founder in soothing manner," Did you know it for the first time today, that the world is wicked? " Said the Founder," No, but the extent had remained unknown. And that I have realized only now at the fag end of my life ".

The Founder came to the conclusion that Mother wanted him to work single-handed and single pursed. The only change was that when the world had turned the deaf ear to his request, Founder became more practical and, now in a way, opened his religious - relief - hospital. The Founder with his powers went on relieving different varieties of miseries working hard day and night for the success of persons that came to him, with clear understanding about their having some-thing to do (whatever they liked) to help him to be in financial position to do Mother's Work.

Founder experienced Mother's Grace from stage to stage while Mai Niwas construction was undertaken and Founder entered Mai Niwas at the mid-night hour of 4 MARCH 1949, all alone, himself and his Mother.

The midnight hour of the Friday night of 4 MARCH 1949 was a memorable moment. The Founder had not informed a single soul about his desire to enter Mai Niwas on that particular night. He had a strong desire to enter it alone, because he did not know how he would pass that night. He was sure something would take place. At about 11 at night, some Mai-ist [ This was Bro. Himmat Bhai Mehta ] came to see him came off on the Grant Road Station. He insisted on accompanying him; said he would leave him in Mai Niwas and return. The Founder declined his company courteously, but the other purchased two tickets and got into the train. On reaching Santa Cruz Station, the Founder had to make it clear," You may go back. I want to enter Mai Niwas alone." The man could not understand the mystic force behind the request and purely out of goodness beckoned a taxi-walla, saying he would leave the Founder and return in the same taxi. Before however the taxi came up, he had such an intense stomach-ache that he fell down. The taxi-walla seeing the miserable plight, turned and went away. The Founder most entreatingly said," You speak out you are not going to accompany me; Mother will remove your pain immediately." The man said," Yes, if Mother and you are insistent on that point, I am surely returning." Just at that moment the pain disappeared; without any further words he ran to the station. The Founder was trembling within himself. This incident made him sure, something unusual was in store for him. It was two minutes to twelve when he reached the Mai Niwas door. He opened it. It was ground floor building with vast open lands on all sides, with the nearest building far away. It was a dark night. No street- lamp nearby. There was none to save if he was attacked. He reached for a candle packet and match-box packet at the spot where he had placed them when he last visited. They were not there. This made him his heart throb with fear. " What? Has Mother intended he be labored that night? " He stood on the Otta for nearly twenty minutes and then laughed outright at the idea how Mother extracts hymns and prayers from devotees. He made bold to get in the black dark near the Mother's picture, allowing the outside faintest light to relieve his fear.

The first experience of his life. The Mother picture was Kali like. He began to sweat. For the first time he began to get a different picture of his beliefs, " Was he all along under delusion? Was the Mother Ideal only a making of his own brains? In reality was Mother Kali? Which was true, Mother appeared as Kali or Kali had allowed Herself to be worshipped and preached as Mother? " He prostrated. He mustered up enough courage. He decided to pray as Mother and then reconcile both conceptions. sang he to himself:

Karuna Sen Abataka Badha, Karunasen Mili Mai

Karunasen Dukh Marana Ho, Karoona Chooti Na Jai,

Jo kucha Kiya So Tune Kiya, Men Kachu Janata Nai

Teri Tuni Samla le, men Japa Rahahun Mai.

" I have grown old, fairing with Thy Mercy alone. With Thy Mercy alone, I have gained Thee Mother. It is out of pity for the suffering world that I have preached Thee even inviting misery and death. Now I only pray that my pity may not get relaxed and Your Mercy on me may not be at all be diminished. Whatever has been done is done by Thee. I know not a bit of it. Your matters you take charge. I am only for sitting in a corner at Thy Lotus Feet all the while repeating Jay Mai ".

As he went on repeating these couplets, his fear was getting vanished; his conviction was coming up: " Mother's one aspect was Kali ". More strange than both was the phosphorescent light Mother's image was getting. The image was gaining in light by his alternative repetitions of " Jay Mai Jay Markand Mai " and couplets, spreading brightness of 5, 10, 15, 20, and higher watts electric bulbs. He had tears of joy and relief. Said he," If you like, you be Kali to the wicked world. To me you remain Mother ".

Said he laughingly," You won't remain this phosphorescent light all the night. So I take you out. We shall be together on Otta." He spread the carpet on the Otta and went to lift the image. As he thrust his hands behind the image, his hands felt some packets; he pulled them out and the match box packet. The Founder's suspicious nature did not leave him; he fell in the thought world of recollection to decide if it was not he who had by mistake put the packets behind the image. " Might it be that some one who accompanied him the previous night, wisely thought, some one would take them away from the window, so better place them behind the image? "

As soon as that idea came, the last idea's coming synchronized with the Mother's light disappearing. He was sorry. He condemned himself for his suspicious nature. His brains began to recollect two previous experiences. Once there was light at one of the Bombay suburbs in a kitchen when he prayed (referred to latter). The other when in Vile Parle a blaze appeared from the altar. There were some more, as when he runningly passed through dark nights after mid-night, but there were lights which did not last longer than two to three minutes. This was in Ahmedabad, when one night he grew very desperate and left his house with, " This is Thy world and its response to Thy work. Thou and Thy world, do whatever Thy likest. I have nothing to do with Thy world today." As he went out in the streets, one after another, every fourth or fifth bungalow, right from Pritamnagar to Bhadra Kali, showed switching on off lights. His vexation turned to an outright laughter saying, " Thy highest pleasure it seems, is vexing me. Instead of switching on electric lights why not switch on the true illumination lights of every one that can help Thy cause? " He got consoled and returned home. He also remembered and laughed at his folly, when he got wrathful in Ahmedabad hospital on Mother ceasing to attend on him, because he had suspicion."

He accepted this time Mother's decision. If after so much experience, I am nothing better than a street man, Mother is more than justified in withdrawing Her presence, or Her light's presence." He yielded biting his lips. Just as a child that has committed something wrong keeps complete silence and engages itself in some harmless occupation, wishing Mother also may forget or at least forgive, the Founder unmurmuringly lighted the candle and placed the candle on the nearest window and began to repeat " Jay Mai Jay Markand Mai ".

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