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People believe there can be no saintliness without certain externals and settled routine ways of living and stern unapproachability . Commonsense gets occluded and confused

Whom to approach and with what mentality for one's spiritual progress is a perplexing problem. There must be the initiation, the giving of Mantra and instructions and a particular programme and a continued personal contact through visits, letters, dreams, visions etc.

The Founder's mentality is this. God, Guru and Religion are going down and down day-to-day. People want relief from all their miseries and greater happiness of the type they conceive. Scripture's teachings, rules and regulations have almost miserably failed. Let us than meet people on their own ground. The Founder has very funny experiences how people can be brought round to a recognition of religious living on being shown that their miseries can be and are removed by undertaking a certain religious process for removal of certain misery. When people get sicken about a religion because it is too old and shut their doors, its external colour should be changed and it should be poured from the sky-roof holes. That is what a Mother and Mother's religion alone would do, just as doctors do artificial feeding through injections.

Once the Founder was in the house of atheist as a guest. The landlord who was hospitable and courteous in every way, defiantly said he did not believe in religious thongs. Two days later, the pet son of the man fell dangerously ill. The boy surprise-fully said to his parents, " I won't be cured unless you worship Mai that has come to us and repeat Mantras which Baba dictates ". The man explained the situation to the Founder. Said the Founder," It does not matter you have no faith. Your son has his full faith and that is more than enough. Do this thing for the sake of recovery of your son. We shall see at the end how long you are retaining your atheism." The boy began to be speedily cured and the whole family become changed in the matter of their outlook on religion. Religion is now required to exhibited from home to home and man to man.

It is not that Nishkama Bhakti is not preached or held in higher reverence than Sakama Bhakti by the Founder. The fact of facts is the Founder has accepted ' Stooping to Conquer ', like a mother, as She is really the mother that has no hesitation to descend to the plane of Her children, when the latter are disabled to climb up the plane by plane to meet Her. This is what the Founder explains ' practical spiritual diplomacy '.

The Founder says," Let there be any amount of Atheism, so long man has a body, he is sure to have physical sufferings, so long he has a heart, he is sure to have disquietude; so long he has desires he is sure to be in some pressing need. Where can the poor creature escape? How long can he run away? Truly capacious religious teachers have to develop their giving power and the world will remain in their fist with folded hands. Few are disbelievers about the existence of God, in their heart of hearts. Fewer are the believers of God that are not his beggars; and our talks about dealing with God are entirely dependent on how he keeps us. Except for few blessed, none wants God and religion but for their own self-interest. They do not love God. They love what God gives, money, wife, children, happiness, heaven, peace, bliss etc.; they are in fact not loving these things, in the absolute sense. They are loving only themselves. We can't expect the world to be consisting of one and all on the highest plane of dis-interested love. Let the animal-deity mixture with each one be only very gradually increased by truly religious persons to greater and greater strength of the Godliness element.

To be the master, one has first to serve as a servant. People have to be served in their own way. Create the feeling of gratitude and a confidence in you by numerous precedents of your having helped them. Mai-ism admits all legitimate moral and harmless desires and their satisfaction through Mai propitiation.

Secure the contact with a saint. That requires no particular rare fitness. Serve him. Remain with him as much as you can. He will introduce you to the Divine Power. That Power will give you Vision. There after start the machinery of ' One's self, One's Guru, One's God, One's Guru, One's self ' ad infinitum.

Carry the relief to the world and the world is yours. It will join you in the praises of Almighty. God is not hungry of your praises. Praising is a part of the remedies to help yourself for your own good. Study the situation most minutely, meditate deeply and you will come to no other conclusion than the present world needs the MOST MERCIFUL MOTHER that does not weigh the world's action, but forbears, forgives and forgets and relieves the world's miseries out of a magnanimity of Her Own self without even a word of recognition. And that is Mai-ism, the propitiation of God as Mother, with love, service, devotion and unconditional cheerful self-surrender.

The Founder's views on this matter can be seen from the following. He was once a famine supervisor in Baroda State [ This was in 1913 ].There was a laid down standard of quantity of excavation and daily wage in proportion to the work. The maximum rate was three annas a day which would help to just keep the body and soul together. After his appointment he soon saw in about a week that more than 80 % could not be entitled to the minimum meal wages. By starvation the coolies became weaker and weaker and doing still less work. The viscous circle started. He was moved to pity. He became extremely liberal in his measurements and saw that every one got the minimum so as not to starve. The shortage of work of 3000 persons was gradually increasing. He hoped it will be made up, but that day never came. A complaint had already reached the head office that he was too liberal and it was ordered that a sub-engineer should give a surprise visit and check measurements and the total amount paid. The Founder had handed over his fate in the hands of his dearest Mother after profound sorrow on hearing the report.

During this period of suspense, His Highness visited the place. The technicalities of the work were inspected (not the finance). His Highness was quite pleased, but the Founder was trembling within his heart; ' all this satisfaction will disappear on sub-engineers report.' But there was his Mother at his beck and call, ever protecting him. Three days later, Her Highness came over. She expressed great satisfaction at the healthy glow joyfulness and the minimum number of deaths and illness in the Founder's camp. She called him at her royal tents. This was the conversation. Her Highness said," I find your famine work arrangement has shown the best condition of preservation in the whole state. What do you wish me to do for you? I propose distributing clothes to all your work people." The Founder said," They will be praying God's blessings on your Highness more and more for the bounty. they are already more than grateful for their very lives being saved." The queen saw there was some deep meaning. She said," Be plain." Founder said," I have been very liberal, too liberal in measurements." " That ought to be, is it not?" The object in view is to see that poor people survive." Her Highness guessed more than half things, on looking deeply into the Founder's face."

The chief engineer came with the executive engineer to pay his respects. The queen said," I was just talking to your supervisor; he told me he was very liberal in measurements. I said to him he ought to be, for the object in view for which famine works have been started. " The executive engineer picked up his opportunity," Your Highness, I have been constantly visiting the work and I have found him working best and I have already strongly reported recommending him to our chief engineer here ". The chief engineer took not a second to shake his head as if to convey he has received the report and issued orders which had promoted him. Needless to say, the executive engineer sent a memo to the sub-engineer to cancel the inspection.

His Highness would be seeing efficiency. Her Highness would be seeing the preservation and well feeding of the subjects. that is the difference between God as Father and God as Mother.

If saints leave their mountain caves, river banks and sea-coasts, if they condescend to just be in the midst of people, try t find out solution for their burning questions; and guide them and make people stronger in religiosity, the task will be more successfully and happily done. Take up yourself a major part of ignorant, unhappy children's responsibility. Mix freely and be one of them. Familiarity will, I admit, bring contempt or at least a devaluation. None would be awe inspired of you. None will give you big names. You may be considered even below the average and even mad. But you will be doing much more solid work and make a handsome return of what the world has done for you. Don't forget. Your physical needs are supplied by the world itself. What does it matter if a saint's salvation is delayed by some few lives because he has engaged in the noblest and loftiest work of discharging his debt to world?

The latter half of 1942 which the Founder passed in Bombay (Mumbai) was greatly useful in the matter of the spread of Mai-ism. Shri. Swami Asimanand having heard about it came over there and gave a thrilling discourse on the greatness of Mother and principles of Mai-ism. Here the spiritual powers of the Founder were getting more exhibited. Some innocent girl, turned away by the husband was received honorably in the house. A radio songstress that was ill of typhoid with all hopes lost, was most speedily cured. One of the devotee got a miraculous lift from the post of Rs. 250/- to be an officer with trebled pay. A lady who had lost her husband who was on the verge of turning lunatic or committing suicide was gradually brought to the normal quietude. An officer who had been degraded for over two years was restored to his former post. So many things gave a convincing proof about the highest efficiency of Mother's Mercy on devotion and straight living and gave a complete idea about what the Founder Mai Markand was to Mai.

Mai-ism led many young people who had a contempt for religion to realize its importance. They were brought in direct connection with Religion as Mai-ism is religion mainly of service and Sadhana. Some people did remain selfish and soon forgetful after the calamity disappeared, but then they were raised from the state of total blankness to the stage of periodical devotion under calamities. Some few did rise to permanent devotion and even to Nishkama Bhakti.

The Founder is anxious to see that not only the world but the religious teachers and even saints set a high religious value to service and sacrifice. Infuse the spirit amongst people to serve and sacrifice for one another in the very commonest daily routine life. Pull them up in devotion even though they are approaching you for some desired objects. Don't bring the sheltering pretext of the Prarabdha Theory and the sophistry of not dabbling with the Divine Law of human suffering.

For heaven's sake don't evade issue by saying," We have never said service and sacrifice are bad things." What is wanted is a positive teaching with every emphasis, temporarily throwing all other better things of religion. Begin yourself giving and creating high values to persons that render service and sacrifice for public even in small worldly matters. You yourself set up precedents by coming down to the common man's plane for teaching people to serve others. The world will begin to walk in your footsteps. Teach your religion with service and sacrifice as its very alpha and bets.

Mai-ism says there can be no religiosity without selflessness and there can be no selflessness without love. There can be no love unless you begin and have constantly before your mind that you please God as Mother by loving and serving and sacrificing for Mother's children. The said truth can never be permanently set up in your heart as long as truth is not replenished with the strength of a religious commandment.

The Founder is not looking for any immediate success and result. He is passionately fond of recording religious experiences and conclusions. He is working not only for some few in this age but for ages to come. There is a time for everything. If there is none, nothing is lost. What could even otherwise have been a better use of his life? At least he is pleasing Mother. The world fails to profit by its saints during their life time. How difficult has it been to establish the Shishya -Parampara, continued lineage - the relationship of Master and disciples?

" The world leaves the living and decorates the dead. " as was stated in a composition composed and sung by Mai-ist devotee in one of the meetings.

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