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D / Dacryoadenitis


Dacryoadenitis [dacryoadenitis < gr. dacryon "tear" + gr. aden "gland" + -itis] - inflammation of the lacrimal gland

Dacryops [dacryops < gr. dacryon "tear" + gr. ops, opos "eye"] - retention cyst, developing in the lacrimal gland or in its excretory duct

Dacryostenosis [dacryostenosis < gr. dacryon "tear" + gr. stenosis "narrowing"] - narrowing of the nasolacrimal duct

Dacryocyst(o)-[dacryocyst(o)- < gr. dacryon "tear" + gr. kystis "bludder, sac"] - component of the complex words, meaning "related to lacrimal sac"

Dacryocystitis [dacryocystitis < dacryocyst- + -itis] - inflammation of the lacrimal


Dacryocystography [dacryocystographia < dacryocysto- + gr. grapho "to write, to image"] - radiography of the lacrimal ways after their dye contrasting

Dacryocystorhinostomy [dacryocysorhinostomia < dacryocysto- + gr. rhis, rhinos "nose" +gr. stoma "opening"] - surgical operation: making anastomosis between lacrimal sac and nasal cavity for the restoration of the lacrimal passage into nasal cavity

Dacryocystoethmoidstomy [dacryocystoethmoidstomia < dacryocysto- + anat. os ethmoidale + gr. stoma "opening"] - dacryocystorhinostomy modification with partial extraction of the ethmoidal labyrinth, which resists anastomosis making

Dacryocystectomy [dacryocystectomia < dacryocyst- + gr. ectome "cutting out"], syn. extirpation of the lacrimal sac - surgical operation: extraction of the lacrimal sac

Daltonism [daltonismus < from name J. Dalton (1766-1844), English physicist and chemist] - color vision disorder, characterized by inability to differ red and green colours

Descemetocele [descemetocele < anat. Descemet's membrane + gr. kele "lump, swelling, tumour"], syn. keratocele - prominence of the corneal posterior basement membrane, which is present in total damage of all rest corneal layers

Descemetopexy [descemetopexia < anat. obs. membrana Descemeti (Descemet's coat, new posterior basement membrane) + gr. pexis "fixing, fastening"] - surgical operation of restoration of corneal posterior basement membrane in its lesions

Deuteranomaly [deuteranomalia < gr. deuteros "second" + anomaly] - form of the color vision disorder, when an ability of the green colour perception is weakened

Deuteranopsia [deuteranopsia < gr. deuteros "second" + gr. an- prefix, meaning absence + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. achloropsia (obs.) - form of the color vision disorder, when an ability of the green colour perception is absent

Dextrocyclophoria [dextrocyclophoria < lat. dexter "right" + cyclophoria] - type of heterophoria, in which tendency to simultaneous turning of both eyes around sagittal axis to the right is present

Dextrophoria [dextrophoria < lat. dexter "right" + gr. phoros "carrying"] - type of heterophoria, in which tendency to simultaneous turning of both eyes to the right side is present

Diaphanogonioscopy [diaphanogonioscopia < gr. diaphanes "transparent, translucent" + gonioscopia] - visual examination method of irido-corneal angle of anterior chamber; the method consists of diaphanoscopy and gonioscopy

Diaphanoscope [diaphanoscopus < gr. diaphanes "transparent, translucent" + gr.


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