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Extraction of the cataract / E / 45

palpebrae "lid tarsus"] - development anomaly: duplication of the eye globe conjunctiva between its transitional (forniceal) fold and the upper eyelid tarsus

Erysiphake [< gr. erysis "stretching out, extracting" + gr. phacos "lentil"] - instrument for the intracapsular extraction of the cataract

Erythropsia [erythropsia < gr. erythros "red" + gr. opsis "vision"] - visual perception disorder, when the patient sees all images dyed in the reddish colour

Esophoria [esophoria <gr. eiso, eso "inside"phoros "carrying"] -heterophoria, which is characterized by the tendency of the inside deviation of the eye

Esotropia [esotropia < gr. eiso, eso "inside" + gr. tropos "turn(ing), direction"], syn. convergent strabismus (squint) - a squint with the inside deviation of the eye

Eversion of the lacrimal punctum [eversio puncti lacrimalis < lat. eversio "unscrewing, overturning"] - eversion of the lower lacrimal point

Evisceration of the eye [evisceratio oculi < lat. eviscero "to extract of the interiors"], syn. exenteration of the eye - surgical operation: the extraction of the all internal contents of the eye globe with keeping of the sclera

Excavation of the optic disc [excavatio disci nervi optici < lat. excavatio "hollow"], syn. physiological cup - a depression in the optic disc, observed by the ophthalmoscopy

Excyclophoria [exscyclophoria < lat. ex "from, out, out of' + cyclophoria] - heterophoria with tendency to the eye globe turning outside and around sagittal axis

Excyclotropia [exscyclotropia < lat. ex "from, out, out of' + cyclotropia] - concomitant squint with tendency to the eye globe turning ou tside and around sagittal axis

Exenteration of the orbit [exenteratio orbitae] - surgical operation: an extraction of the orbital contents

Exfoliation pseudocapsiilar [< lat. exfoliatio pseudocapsularis < lat. ex "from, out, out of' + lat. follium "leaf'], syn. pseudoexfoliation - flake-like deposits formation on the anterior capsule of the lens and other structures of the anterior segment of the eye

Exophoria [exophoria < gr. exo "out of, outside" + gr. phoros "carrying"] - heterophoria with the tendency to the outside deviation of the eye

Exophthalmos [exophthalmus < gr. exo "out of, outside" + gr. ophthalmos "eye"], syn. exophthalmus, eye bulging-a forward displacement of the eye globe from the orbit

Exophthalmometer [exophthalmos + gr. metreo "to measure, to determine"] - instrument for the measurement of corneal prominence (in mm) from the external orbital margin

Exophthalmometry [exophthalmometria < exophthalmos + gr. metreo "to measure, to determine"] - an eye globe displacement degree measurement to examine the exophthalmos dynamics

Exotropia [exotropia < gr. exo "out of, outside" + gr. tropos "turn(ing), direction"], syn. divergent strasismus (squint) - a squint with the outside deviation of the eye

Extraction of the cataract [extractio cataractae < lat. extrahere "to extract, to stretch out"] - surgical operation: removal of the crystalline lens in cataract (intracapsular removal in the capsule in toto, including the capsule; extracapsular removal from the capsular bag, the posterior capsule remains intact)



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