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Cataract/ С/39

Blepharotomy [blepharotomia < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. tome "discission, cutting"], syn. blepharostomy - surgical operation of cutting of the eye lid commissure, more commonly lateral one

Blepharophimosis [blepharophimosis < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. phimosis "closing, narrowing of the opening"] - decreasing of the width (shortening) of the lid fissure, usually caused by the knitting of the lid margins at the eye lateral angle

Blepharochalasis [blepharochalasis < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. chalasis "weakening"], syn. false ptosis - bilateral atrophy of the upper lids skin

Buphthalmos [buphthalmus <gr. bus "bull"+ gr. ophthalmos "eye"] - extreme stage of hydrophthalmos


Campimeter [< lat. campus visionis "visual field" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - device for the visual field examination by the campimetry

Campimetry [< lat. campus visionis "visual field" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - method of the visual field examination on the plane

Canaliculitis [canaliculus < lat. canaliculus lacrimalis "lacrimal canaliculus" + - itis], syn. dacryocanaliculitis- inflammation of the lacrimal canaliculus

Canaliculorhinostomy [canaliculorhinostomia < lat. canaliculus lacrimalis "lacrimal canaliculus" + gr. rhis, rhinos "nose" + gr. stoma "opening"] - surgical operation: making anastomosis between lacrimal canaliculus and nasal cavity

Canthoplasty [canthoplastica < lat. canthus < gr. kanthos "angle of the lid fissura"+ gr. plastike "sculpture"] - surgical plastic operation: lengthening and widening of the lid fissura

Canthotomy [canthotomia < lat. canthus < gr. kanthos "angle of the lid fissura"+ gr. tome "discission, cutting"] - surgical operation: cutting of the eye-lid lateral commissure

Capsulectomy [capsulectomia < capsule (of the lens) + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - 1) excision of the anterior layer of the lens capsule in the extracapsular cataract extraction; 2) cutting out the whole capsular bag

Capsulophacopunctura (laser) [< capsule (of the lens) + gr. phakos "lens" + lat. pungo, punctum "to prick, to thrust"] - disruption of the anterior part of the lens capsule with the laser

Capsulorrhexis [capsulorrhexis < capsule (of the lens) + gr. rrhexis "break, breaking up, destruction, rapture"] - a round opening in the anterior layer of the lens capsule, performed by insulin needle or special forceps; mainly used in phaco- and laseremulsification of the cataract

Capsulotomy [capsulotomia < capsule (of the lens) + gr. tome "discission, cutting"] - cutting of the anterior layer of the lens capsule in the cataract extraction with the special microsurgical instruments (capsulotome, cyctotome or knife) or with the laser

Carunculitis [carunculitis < to.caruncula "a piece of meat", diminutive from lat. caro "meat"+-itis] - purulent inflammation of the lacrimal caruncle

Cataract [cataracta <gr. katarrhaktes "falling downwards, waterfall"] - eye disease, which has the main features as partial or total lens opacification



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