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Ballet artists


Anna Bogumilovna Brodskaya

Daria Konstantinovna Vankova

Sergey Anatolievich Zverev

Anna Nikolaevna Kirilova


Ekaterina Nikolaevna Yuzhanina



our partners







contact information

«talarium et lux» contact information:

Tel.: +7 (499) 755-75-02
Fax: +7 (495) 361-75-77
E-mail: [email protected]


Art-director, Theatre of Russian ballet «Talarium et Lux»

Zakhary Grigorievich Adaskin

Tel.: +7 (925) 755-75-81


Technical director, Theatre of Russian ballet «Talarium et Lux»

Sergey Alexandrovich Baturin

Tel.: +7 (925) 266-98-00

E-mail: [email protected]

ticket desk, theatre of russian ballet:

For booking, reservation and ticket purchase contact the Ticket Desk of the Theatre of Russian Ballet «Talarium et Lux» (Mon-Fri 9 am – 6 pm)
Тел.: +7 (495) 361-75-77
E-mail: [email protected]

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repertory of the theatre


the nutcracker

This spectacle is devoted to the 120th anniversary of its premiere on stage of the Mariinsky Theatre in 1892. The libretto for the ballet was created by Marius Petipa based on the fairy- tale «The Nutcracker and the Mouse King» by E.T.A Hoffmann. A legendary spectacle «The Nutcracker» in the version of «TALARIUM ET LUX», Theatre of Russian Ballet is a bright unique ballet extravaganza staged in classical choreography of Vasiliy Vainonen accompanied by lighting show with multimedia decorations.

A rehearsal process lasted for about a year, the result of this work was creation of a harmonious team. A great number of animation artists, designers, more than 30 ballet artists from Moscow and all over Russia helped to produce on stage such a complex performance.

People involved in work are: a legend of the World ballet, a People’s artist of the USSR Mikhail Lavrovsky, Honoured artist of RSFSR Boris Blankov (the Mariinsky Theatre), a dance coach of Choreography School of San-Francisco (USA) – Marina Aleksandrova, a dance coach and choreographer Yuriy Romashko, an outstanding costume designer Dmitriy Paradizov. The theatre team worked on fitting the production in multimedia decorations. Beauty and the highest level of dance performance of «TALARIUMET LUX» dance crew combined with complex technological systems will make you believe in theatre magic, believe in Hoffmann’s fairy-tale becoming alive on stage.

Age restriction (6+)
Performance duration: 2 h. 10 min.



A short film-introduction of scenes from «The Nutcracker» spectacle

The premiere took place on RAMT stage, on May, 17th 2013.





repertory of the theatre


the masterpieces of the world ballet

Brilliant music of world’s greatest composers: Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, B.Asafyeva, Adolphe Adan, Ludwig Minkus and others.


Scenes from the most popular ballets of the world: «Sleeping Beauty», «The Flames of Paris», «Don Quixote», «The Nutcracker», «Le Corsaire», «Spring Torrents», «Swan Lake».

Ocean of light, miraculous screens, surprising technological solutions, gorgeous lighting effects – You will be able to see all this in a holiday gala-concert «THE MASTERPIECES OF THE WORLD BALLET», a new edition of the classical ballet performance made by a legendary ballet master, People’s Artist of the USSR Mikhail Lavrovsky and ballet artists of the Theatre of Russian Ballet «Talarium et Lux».

Perfect technique of the ballet troupe, formed from ballet artists of the leading theatres and graduates of Moscow and all-over-Russia ballet academies together with marvelous costumes, innovative approach of the Artistic Director, original solutions of animation artists make an indelible impression of holiday, magic of ballet and light in the audience ‘s imagination.

Age restriction (12+)
Performance duration: 2 h. 20 min.



Presentation of a gala-concert «The Masterpieces of the World Ballet»

The premiere took place in December 2012.





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