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Multimedia decorations

Having combined choreography and computer graphics solutions in our performances we make our audience feel hypnotized by the phantasmagoria of the characters on stage. To get this atmosphere we have installed a special construction of five screens, we have made several panoramas, so the action will be moving from stage to screens and back. Graphics is not a simple decoration on stage, It drives the performance, helps to unfold the story on stage focusing on its magic. If we take ordinary decorations, it will be impossible to get such an effect. Projection screens give an opportunity to instantly change the geometry of the area, arrange graphic accents, transform the scene, in other words, there must be a mysterious flair on stage. To make the combination of graphics and choreography beneficial, some mise en scenes are being transformed on stage, which makes it a harder job for the artists. They have to coordinate their dancing choreography, following to music and living their roles on stage with accurately remembering the changes appearing on screens, to act in sync with computer animation so that a single performance is created. This has never occurred on ballet stage before! However all the canonical dancing pieces are performed without transformations – these are absolutely classically staged performances tailored for the modern audience.


The video clip shows multimedia backgrounds for «the Nutcracker» ballet, theatre’s first night performance.

The Artistic Director of Russian Ballet Theatre «TALARIUM ET LUX»


People's Artist of the USSR, Lenin's (1970) and USSR State prize laureate (1976), winner of Lenin Komsomol Prize, winner of Moscow Government’s Awards, a laureate of 7 international competitions and the Vaslav Nijinsky Prize from the Paris Academy of Dance (1972).

Mikhail Leonidovich Lavrovsky performed 17 leading parties at the Bolshoi Theatre (1961-1986). His repertoire includes: the Prince in «Cinderella», Vaslav in «the Fountain of Bakhchisarai», Frondoso – «Laurencia», Ferkhard – «the Legend of Love», Qays - «Layla and Majnun», the Prince - «the Nutcracker», Basil - «Don Quixote», Spartacus in the ballet under the same name, Romeo in «Romeo and Juliet», Siegfried in «Swan Lake», Viktor in «Angara», Solor in «La Bayadère» (The Kingdom of Shades), Ivan IV in «Ivan the Terrible», Paganini in «Paganini», Claudio in «Love for Love», Artynov in «Anyuta».

M.L.Lavrovsky took part in such tele-ballets as «Romeo and Juliet», «White Nights», «Three Cards», «Phaedra». After his graduation with honours from the Ballet-Master Faculty of the Russian University of Theatre Arts (GITIS) in 1978 he started producing his own ballet shows. Thus, from 1977 to 2001, six complete cinema and tele-ballets were created and were of great success on Russian Television; three ballet performances were directed and shown in Moscow theatres.


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