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Информационный партнер мероприятияmedia partner of the event — Журнал Jewelry Garden Magazine.

Легендарный спектакль «Щелкунчик» в версии Театра русского балета «TALARIUM ET LUX» - это яркий, неповторимый балет-феерия, поставленный в классической хореографии Василия Вайнонена в обрамлении светового шоу с мультимедийными декорациями. Около года шел репетиционный процесс, в ходе которого был создан слаженный творческий коллектив, задействовано множество художников-аниматоров, дизайнеров, более тридцати артистов балета Москвы и России, воплотивших на сцене сложнейшую постановку.A legendary spectacle «The Nutcracker» in the version of «TALARIUM ET LUX», Theatre of Russian Ballet is a bright unique ballet extravaganza staged in classical choreography of Vasiliy Vainonen accompanied by lighting show with multimedia decorations. A rehearsal process lasted for about a year, the result of this work was creation of harmonious team, a great number of animators, designers, more than 30 ballet artists from Moscow and all over Russia helped to produce on stage such a complex performance.

Над спектаклем работали: легенда мирового балета, Народный артист СССР – Михаил Лавровский, заслуженный артист РСФСР Борис Бланков (Мариинский театр), педагог Балетной школы Сан-Франциско (США) – Марина Александрова, педагог-хореограф Юрий Ромашко, выдающийся художник по костюмам Дмитрий Парадизов. Редакцию постановки под современные мультимедийные декорации осуществлял коллектив театра. Красота и высочайший класс исполнительского искусства танцовщиков труппы «TALARIUM ET LUX» в сочетании со сложными технологическими приемами заставят поверить зрителей в магию театра! В то, что сказка Гофмана действительно оживает на сцене.People involved in work are: a legend of the World ballet, a People’s artist of the USSR Mikhail Lavrovsky, Honoured artist of RSFSR Boris Blankov (the Mariinsky Theatre), a dance coach of Choreography School of San-Francisco (USA) – Marina Aleksandrova, a dance coach and choreographer Yuriy Romashko, an outstanding costume designer Dmitriy Paradizov. The theatre team worked on fitting the production in multimedia decorations. Beauty and the highest level of dance performance of «TALARIUMET LUX» dance crew combined with complex technological systems will make you believe in theatre magic! Believe in Hoffmann’s fairy-tale becoming alive on stage.


На премьеру приглашены известные артисты балета, театра, кино, представители шоу-бизнеса и спорта: Любовь Казарновская, Михаил Швыдкой, Святослав Бэлза, Андрис Лиепа, Илзе Лиепа, Роман Виктюк, Иосиф Райхельгауз, Андрей Житинкин, Михаил Левитин, Асаф Мессерер, Александр Митта, Марк Захаров, Владимир Васильев, Алла Сигалова, Лариса Лужина, Татьяна Веденеева, Владимир Березин, Анастасия Гребенкина, Станислав Бондаренко, Илья Викторов, Андрей Руденский, Наталья Переверзева, Денис Симачев, Дарья Герман, Владимир Кристовский, Родион Газманов, Дмитрий Миллер, Юлия Деллос, Александр Носик, Анастасия Макеева, Ирина Лачина, Юлия Ромашина, Прохор Шаляпин, Даниил Федоров, Лев Новоженов, Полина Аскери, Сергей Шендрик и др.Some famous ballet artists, theatre and film actors, show business and sports celebrities were invited for the premiere: Lubov Kazarnovskaya, Mikhail Shvydkoj, Svyatoslav Belza, Andris Liepa, Ilze Liepa, Roman Viktyuk, Joseph Raihelgauz, Andrew Zhitinkin, Mikhail Levitin, Asaf Messerer, Alexander Mitta, Mark Zakharov, Vladimir Vasiliev, Alla Sigalova, Larisa Luzhina, Tatiana Vedeneyeva, Vladimir Berezin, Anastasia Grebyonkina, Stanislav Bondarenko, Ilya Victorov, Andrew Rudenskiy, Natalia Pereverzeva, Denis Simachev, Daria German, Vladimir Kristovskiy, Rodion Gazmanov, Dmitry Miller, Yulia Dellos, Alexander Nosik, Anastasia Makeeva, Irina Lachina, Yulia Romashina, Prohor Shalyapin, Daniel Fedorov, Lev Novozhenov, Paulina Askeri, Sergei Shendrik etc.


big premiere, premiere of «the Nutcracker» большая премьера, премьера Щелкунчик

08.05May, 8th.2013, 67 просмотровpage views.

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ИРИНА ОМЕЛЬЧЕНКО. КАКИЕ ЦЕЛИ У TALARIUM ET LUX?irina omelchenko. where is «TALARIUM ET LUX» aiming at?

ОпубликованоPublished: 16.01.2013Ссылка на источникLink to the original source: http://mainpeople.com/moscow/#!/bubblegum/1607/Ирина_Омельченко._Какие_цели_у_Talarium_et_Lux?

Our aim is to retain the priceless cultural heritage of our country, the Russian ballet school, which is revered around the world.

Цель Talarium et Lux – сохранение бесценного культурного наследия нашей страны, русской балетной школы, которая почитается во всем мире.

концепция театра Talarium et Lux, Балет и свет, русский классический балетconcept of «Talarium et Lux» theatre, ballet and light, Russian classical ballet

ПОДРОБНЕЕsee the details



Published: 16.01.2013Link to the original source: http://mainpeople.com/moscow/#!/bubblegum/1607/Ирина_Омельченко._Какие_цели_у_Talarium_et_Lux?Опубликовано: 16.01.2013Ссылка на источник: http://mainpeople.com/moscow/#!/bubblegum/1607/Ирина_Омельченко._Какие_цели_у_Talarium_et_Lux?


Цель Talarium et Lux – сохранение бесценного культурного наследия нашей страны, русской балетной школы, которая почитается во всем мире.

Мы считаем, что сегодня, во времена тотальной подмены ценностей и доминирования поп-культуры, поддержка и пропаганда настоящего высокого искусства – одна из ключевых задач для каждого. Безусловно, это непростая задача. Но мы, открывая новый театр, готовы рискнуть.

Для того чтобы привлечь внимание к классике мы выпускаем наши постановки в обрамлении современного мультимедийного контента, будем создавать новые, оригинальные спектакли, основываясь на классических традициях с интеграцией инновационных сценических технологий. «Балет и свет» для нас – это не просто словосочетание, это концепция, мы хотим представить русский балет в новом свете, самом выигрышном и современном.

Ирина Омельченко. Директор Театра русского балета "Talarium et Lux"Our aim is to retain the priceless cultural heritage of our country, the Russian ballet school, which is revered around the world.

We believe that today, at the time of completely substituted values and total domination of pop culture, it is everybody’s prime goal to support and promote the pure High Art. Undoubtedly, such a task isn’t easy, but we’re willing to take a risk.

In order to draw attention to the classics we produce our performances in modern multimedia settings, and we’ll create new, original performances on the basis of classical traditions with integration of innovative stage technologies. «Ballet and light» is not just a word combination for us, it’s a concept for our intention to introduce the Russian ballet in a new light or perspective, the most beneficial and modern one.

Irina Omelchenko, the director of the Theatre of Russian ballet «Talarium et Lux».


concept of «Talarium et Lux» theatre, ballet and light, Russian classical ballet

концепция театра Talarium et Lux, Балет и свет, русский классический балет

16.01Jan, 16th.2013, 64 просмотраpage views.

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Published: 17.12.2012Link to the original source: http://mockvanews.ru/26288

Опубликовано: 17.12.2012Ссылка на источник: http://mockvanews.ru/26288

«Talarium et Lux» – a name given to a start-up theatre company which includes professional ballet artists from Moscow and Russia. «Talarium et Lux» wasn’t chosen by chance, this phrase has a Latin origin and means «ballet and light», this is the main combination that distinguishes theatre’s ballet performances from all existing examples.

«Talarium et Lux» – под таким названием начинает свою деятельность театр, в составе которого – профессиональные балетные артисты Москвы и России. Название на латинском языке «Talarium et Lux» выбрано не случайно, в переводе оно означает «балет и свет», именно в этом сочетании и заключается главное отличие балетных постановок этого театра, от всех существующих.

классический русский балет в мультимедиа декорациях, театр русского балета Talarium et Lux, Балет и свет Russian ballet with multimedia decorations, theatre of Russian ballet «Talarium et Lux»

ПОДРОБНЕЕsee the details


ОпубликованоPublished: 17.12.2012Link to the original sourceСсылка на источник: http://mockvanews.ru/26288


«Talarium et Lux» – a name given to a start-up theatre company which includes professional ballet artists from Moscow and Russia. «Talarium et Lux» wasn’t chosen by chance, this phrase has a Latin origin and means «ballet and light», this is the main combination that distinguishes theatre’s ballet performances from all existing examples.

«Talarium et Lux» is intending to create ballet-extravaganzas with application of all up-to-date technological advances used both in show business and top-level theatrical performances.

«Our aim is to retain the priceless cultural heritage of our country, the Russian ballet school, which is revered around the world. We believe that today, at the time of completely substituted values and total domination of pop culture, it is everybody’s prime goal to support and promote the pure High Art, -says Irina Omelchenko, the director of the theatre. - Undoubtedly, such a task isn’t easy, but we’re willing to take a risk. In order to draw attention to the classics we produce our performances in modern multimedia settings, and we’ll create new, original performances on the basis of classical traditions with integration of innovative stage technologies. «Ballet and light» is not just a word combination for us, it’s a concept for our intention to introduce the Russian ballet in a new light or perspective, the most beneficial and modern one».

Recruitment to the permanent ballet crew is quite severe, it’s implemented under the guidance of the artistic director of the theatre - Mikhail Leonidovich Lavrovsky, People's Artist of the USSR, a legendary dancer, a ballet master and a dance coach. The Crew consists of 30 artists with huge working experience in leading theatres of Moscow and Russia. The principal dancers - Sergey Smirnov, Dmitry Kozhemyakin, Marina Romanova, Tamara Glazova - have earlier participated in the best productions of the Bolshoi Theatre, the «Moscow Ballet», the «Kremlin Ballet» and other theatres. So far, the crew has been rehearsing for six months and has grown into a well-coordinated creative team which is able to perform in most elaborate productions. Some experienced ballet masters have worked with the dance crew, they are Boris Blankov from the Mariinsky Theatre, Marina Aleksandrova – a dance coach invited from San Francisco Ballet School (USA), and Yuri Romashko, a highly experienced dance coach and choreographer.

An opportunity to see the Russian ballet «in a new light» is coming soon! «Talarium et Lux» is planning to produce a number of premieres a year. For now, the crew has been preparing for a holiday gala concert «the Masterpieces of the World Ballet» comprising most famous pieces from classical ballets. First shows are due on December, 25th and 27th of the current year.

The following premiere is coming next year in March or April, the audience is going to enjoy the first full stage performance of «Talarium et Lux» - a classical ballet «The Nutcracker» in multimedia settings.

«Our performance - is the integration of choreography and advances of computer graphics. In fact, a spectator will have a feeling that all characters have come to real life in this Hoffmann’s phantasmagoria. To reach this effect we’ve made a special structure of 5 screens, thus, we’ll have 5 perspectives – and the show will shift from stage to screens and vice versa» – explains the sceenwriter and the director of video content production, Karina Shebelyan. – Graphics won’t be a simple decoration, it’s going to move the show, help to reveal the fairytale and highlight its magic in front of the audience. Some typical settings don’t give such an effect. Instead, we’ll have an opportunity to instantly change the geometry of the visual space, arrange graphic accents and transform the scene - in other words, there must be magic on stage! To achieve the most beneficial combination of choreography and graphics some mise en scenes are altered, which makes it harder for dancers. They will have to execute choreography, follow the music, live their roles on stage and despite all these things, they’ll have to remember about the changes on screens in order to move in accordance with animation and make it a single action. This has never occurred in ballet! However, all the canonical dance pieces will remain unchanged - it is an absolutely classical performance designed for the perception of a modern viewer. "

Especially for the new production of «The Nutcracker» new ballet costumes will be made, best designers from Russia and France have been working on them.

«France has been chosen for sewing of corsets and tutus, as this country has maintained unique traditions in this field, especially, in work with lace, - says the costume designer, Dmitry Paradizov. - Each set of stagewear is made according to individual sketches and costs about 2,500 euros».

«The Nutcracker» ballet is a complex of ballet artists’ performance art, technological applications, work of multimedia artists and animators. As a result, this is going to be more than impressive and will make a viewer believe in theatre magic, that animates a Hoffmann’s fairytale on stage!

Russian ballet with multimedia decorations, theatre of Russian ballet «Talarium et Lux»

классический русский балет в мультимедиа декорациях, театр русского балета Talarium et Lux, Балет и свет

Dec, 17th17.12.2012, 67 просмотровpage views.

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