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Storehouses and terminations of the employment contracts »

The matter is that the goods made by hired workers (services also), not always are on sale to the buyer at once after its manufacture. Very often it gets on storehouses of the company. And there it can be both weeks, and months, sometimes even years.

Most often there is such practice, for example, in agriculture, sale of the extracted diamonds and in many other branches of economy.

That is, hired workers have made the goods, but these goods through enough big timeframe will be sold. For example, in three months. But in fact salaries are necessary for receiving already now. How to be? How to receive a minimum level of the salary defined from proceeds for the goods, or actual profit of the company (GPAMC) received for sale of the goods? In fact the proceeds (profit) will be only in three months.

Way out maybe in the following.

The owner of the company, from the personal means (the investment, loans), pays to hired workers the certain salary, under the arrangement with them (advance payment), and, in case of when this salary will be less, than should be (under the law on a minimum level of the salary in percentage and ect), that, in three months after sale of the goods, the owner of the company pays all missing sum (under the law), accordingly, to each worker.

But here there is a new danger.

The owner, by the time sales of the goods, can dismiss a part of workers (or even all workers), and, consequently, to pay due percent will be nobody. What to do in this case? Way out in that irrespective of, if worker still to work in the company or not, he must to receive all outstanding amount wholly.

If the hired worker has made a goods (services), but this goods has been sold later, when the worker any more did not work in this company, it all equally should receive all sum for the made goods, which is put to it (to the hired worker), under the law.

Even if the worker has died or missing, all is equal, its successors should receive the appropriating sum.

As I understand, all it will complicate existing nowadays accounting, etc. systems a little, but, I think, that this complication not so big, both business, and politicians, in a condition to be cope with all these complexities.

Social validity, sharp and strong improvement of a life of overwhelming majority of the population are conclusive.

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