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And now I wish to address to the secretary general of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and in its person to all mankind

People of a planet the Earth! You know, that the vast majority of mankind lives in terrible poverty.

And this poverty, awful in itself, does not allow people to live and move adequately to true, to perfection, to pleasure and happiness, generates many other things terrible problems, wars, criminality, terrorism. As they say, where a dirt, there illnesses. Where poverty, there criminality and extremist ideologies. Certainly, not poverty generates all Evil.

But poverty – fine ground for growth of the Evil. We have with you a possibility to restore social justice on hole planet. And to come to other world together. To the world in which happiness and validity will be much more. Let the mankind will enter the new epoch.

Let will rise on a new step in the ascension to Goods and True. Let's make our world if yet finally fine and clarified, then essentially other: full and quiet, and having greater prospects for the further progress.

Require of your Governments realization of my economic offers. I do not think, that the Governments, seeing, what Revolutions occur in the Middle East, will dare to resist to national will. We can change very greatly the world to the best with you!



I wish to address especially to the Pope (Episcopus Romanus) Benedict XVI,

Your Holiness!

As is known Catholics on a planet it is totaled about 1 billion and 300 million. And the majority of these peoples live in awful poverty. Your flock looks at the Kind Pastor.

It is difficult to believe, that you do not want, that Catholics and all other people of a planet have not received bread, and have received a stone. Help unfortunate people!

I am assured, that my offers welcomed very much to Jesus Christ and Maiden Maria. (I consider as their patrons). I hope, that we about much we shall talk at personal meeting



I want also separately to address to the President of the United States to Barrack Оbama. Mister President, I would like to remind you only of two your performances which I personally saw on TV. The first: in the spring of 2009. It seems, it was your the first the Internet – conference.

To you has been asked a question: whether “is it possible something to make, that workplaces did not move in “to the third world”? And you, mister President, have answered, that “in the countries of the third world pay less. To make anything it is impossible”. Second your performance has occurred recently. Also there was it in one of chambers of the American Parliament.

You spoke about the future of the USA should be such that workplaces did not move abroad.

In this connection I could give following advice: if you want, that simple people of America live better, realize my economic offers.

Also necessarily to make the highest trade barriers that the greatest possible quantity of the goods was made inside of the USA, instead of in the countries with a cheap labors. Also achieve, that all the countries have adopted laws on the minimal salary and on the control over the prices. Then the cheap labour in general will disappear on a planet.

So it will be workplaces simply there is no place to move. If your performance in Parliament of the USA not a deceit of American people then realize my offers. I think, American people will be grateful to me.

Taking an opportunity, I wish to say hello to everyone Americans and Canadians who personally know me.

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