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The internal prices

Let's assume, there are two firms " T " and "K". They competitors. They have complex structure, and this structure is justified, here there are no “ fictitious intermediaries “.

So, the firm (in fact holding) Т will consist of companies T-1 and Т-2. (At K the same internal structure). Т-1 makes production which part sells in the market, and the part of production sells to firm T-2. We shall admit, it primary product, materials, etc. Т-2 using it primary product, makes new production which sells in the market.


The holding K makes absolutely similar production. However, К-1 sells primary product in the market on valid to a market price ($100), and affiliated firm К-2 sells same primary product under the internal price ($1).

Company T-1 sells primary product for company T-2 at the market price $100.

Thus, production К-2 will be cheaper, than production Т-2. However, let's look, due to what (is more precise whom) this cheapness it is created.

Due to workers of company K-1 who receive less than profit because К-1 trades with К-2 under the internal price.

I shall result more specific example with «the internal prices».

There is bank ABC which owns newspaper LTS.

Bank ABC gives the advertising in other newspapers at the market price ($100), in the affiliated company – newspaper LTS, the bank gives advertising about itself under «the internal price» - $1. Workers of company LTS as a result suffer.

Can object, that such practice is normal for market economy.

But will agree, abundantly clear, that from the internal prices capitalists – owners of firms, but not hired workers have benefits. So benefits are created due to workers.

If the owner will shape MFS of the company, not resorting to the internal prices, but selling production for a undercharge EXTREMELY DUE TO the OWN INCOME – i.e. profits of the owner (PO) his this is his right, and such practice is not maybe forbidden.


So, I shall repeat, that «the internal prices» should not be shaped due to hired workers, but only due to capitalists – owners of firms. The government is obliged to watch, that «the internal prices» were not shaped due to hired workers; that the companies traded with each other on market prices (if we so speak about market economy much).

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