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I am ready to pass (if necessary), checks on any lie detectors

Further, I wish to add, that if these two ideas are known to any professional economist, but everyone are silent and don’t want to tell nobody about them to mankind – I consider that, that this crime against humanity.


Or, maybe, they (economists) are afraid? It is possible. One economist with appropriating higher education to which I told about the ideas, has told, that “I shall be necessarily killed”. In fact it is easy to understand, what monetary interests of powerful and rascally forces I have mentioned. But here has already passed one and a half year from the moment of my messages of spring of 2009, and I am still alive


However, living in Russia, I never heard from the economists of similar ideas. Including from economists – the politicians very even oppositional to a present authority inRussia.

In the same 2009 I allowed to read my letter to many professional economists living in Volgograd, including teachers (with scientific degrees) of HIGH SCHOOLS on economy, and not one of them has not told to me, that heard about these ideas. So, probably, the few knows about these ideas.



What was after I have dispatched the letters (2009) to many addresses? Nothing!!! I have received the answer only from two seats: Department of healthcare (as it there has got (?), in fact I there did not write) Administration of Volgograd; and from the President administration of the Russian Federation.

(X-copies of these letters you can see on my site and on others the Internet-resources where I have placed the appeal to mankind).

So, whether have read in the President administration of the Russian Federation my letter? I do not doubt of it.

For in some weeks after reception and perusals of my letter, prime minister V.V.Putin (namely: 24, 25, on June, 26th, 2009) has strongly attended by a difference between a procurement price and that by on which the trading companies sell food stuffs (the so-called, trading margin) and even it was personally passed on some shops.

However, it in what has not resulted; the prices have remained high and in the further constantly grew. All conversations have remained only conversations. But I am absolutely assured, that this sudden interest to the size of the trading margin has appeared in the Government after perusal of my letter.


Moreover, in December, 2009, at the press conference Prime Minister Putin has declared that according to the offer of experts of the Government, the prices in drugstores on 450 major medicines by restriction of the trading margin will be limited. And so, this is my offer, but not ofany there experts of the Government.

And I have offered much more perfect mechanism of the control over the prices. Also has suggested to distribute my mechanism almost for all economy, and not just on 450 medicines.

But I addressed (without results) not to only one present authorities. I addressed to communists too. So without results! In April, May, June, 2009 I "stormed" Volgograd Staff оf the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

To get personally on reception to the first secretary of the Staff, to the deputy of State Duma to Alevtina Viktorovna Aparina, I have not got as did not try.

But has achieved that, first, all Staff has read through my text, secondly, has achieved a meeting with one of heads of the Staff – the secretary on ideology Nina Aksentevna Salina who has personally passed a package with my offers to comrade Aparina, and that has personally brought to its comrade Zyuganov.

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