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I call up all forces on a planet which wish to change the existing economic order on globe to the best side, to realize my offers


Shortly about myself: call me Vadim Aleksandrovich Shupliak (Vadim Shupliak), was born on January, 5th, 1973 in Mirnyy, Yakutia, the Russian Federation, Soviet Union.

On a nationality Russian, to be exact, the Kuban Cossack. (By the way, surname Shupliak, in translation from a Ukrainian language, means a dog rose, a wild rose. And in great russian language there is a word shuplina, it means the same).


The historian by my education.


I live to the address of: the city of Volgograd (Tsaritsyn, Stalingrad), street Turgeneva, the house 6, an apartment 41. Phones: +7(8442) 48-91-43 (for in-Russian calls with stationary ("city") phones 8 (8442) 48-91-43), +7.988.499.24.74. My post electronic address: [email protected]


Personally I am had translated into English language the detailed text of my offers, and video of the appeal. If my translation not very correct, I think, in almost any country of a planet there will be interpreters who can translate my text absolutely correct.



My first offer allows to lift greatly and quickly salaries to hired workers in anycountries. It is achieve by that the mandatory minimum level of the salary is defined not in nominal size, but in a percentage parity of distribution of the income between the owner and its hired workers.

All knows what insignificant salaries are received by workers in Russia and other countries of «the third world». The standard of living in “the rich countries” falls too. In case of realization of my offers, the level of salaries will greatly increase even in the rich countries, in poor countries salaries will grow extremely greatly!!!

And outflow of workplaces from the rich countries to poor countries also completely will stop. All details you will find in the text of my appeal.


My second offer allows to supervise completely the prices in any country and never to not be afraid any more of constant inflation (THUS the MARKET ECONOMY, PRIVATEBUSINESS, the COMPETITION are not abolished!!!).

This control is achieved by thatthe government established the maximum permissible size of profit (I call it: a parameter of restriction of profitability (the POP)), in relation to a net cost. For example, if the POP is equal 10 %, if the full net cost (including taxes) of the goods is equal to 100 dollars, so to sell it is possible no more than for 110 dollars.

The POP on sense is close to “the trading margin”, but it not the same. All details you will find in the text of my appeal.

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