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Polikarpova Yu.O., Cand. Phil. Sc., Assoc. Prof. The article grounds dependence of successful career and professional growth of young people on their self-esteem

The article grounds dependence of successful career and professional growth of young people on their self-esteem. Some recommendations for university graduates to improve their self-esteem are suggested.

У статті обґрунтовано залежність успішної кар'єри та професійного зростання молодих фахівців від їхньої самооцінки. Запропоновано рекомендації для випускників університетів щодо підвищення їхньої самооцінки.

Relevance of the research. Successful career and professional growth of young people depend on their self-esteem. It often becomes either a source of intrinsic motivation or discouragement for them.

Self-esteem is a term used in psychology to reflect a person's overall emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. Self-esteem is a part of self-confidence a young specialist needs to develop. Only, if you are confident about your thoughts and thinking you can be a good leader.

The essence of self-esteem and its development were studied by Albert Ellis, Abraham Maslow, Jack Canfield, Dale Carnegie and others.

The objective of this research is to ground the necessity of high self-esteem for young specialists and develop some recommendations for university graduates to improve their self-esteem.

The results of the research suggest that leadership and self-esteem are not in born qualities, young people need to work out on them. We have developed some recommendations for university graduates on improving their self-esteem.

There are many effective ways to remedy low self-esteem. However, the key to success in life is to recognize the existence of the problem in the first place. The key attitude for success in life is to take total responsibility for what happens to us. We must work upon ourselves continually in order to manifest what we want. Creating high self-esteem is one of the best things you can ever do to totally transform every aspect of your life.

First, get this fact into your mind that you cannot please people no matter what you do. You should learn how to lead your life according to your principles and your wishes. Learn how to take decisions and how to stick to them. Work out on things that you are good at. This will help you in understanding your inner strengths and making proper use of them. Being a leader in your own way is something that makes you feel positive about yourself.

If you are dependent on other people for your actions, then grow up. Being dependent on others will only lower your self-esteem, and you would never be able to come to terms with yourself. It is important that you make your decisions and understand what is good for you and what is not. This will help you in realizing what you want from life and how you can work to make it possible.

Make yourself different from the crowd and have your goals set. Focus on your aims in life and look for ways in which you can achieve what you want. Always work on things that will help you improve your knowledge and ways of applying this knowledge.

Self-evaluation is important at any stage in your life. In today’s world, most organizations use self-evaluation for any project and services they have in place. Self-evaluation is an important part of being committed to lifelong learning – the understanding that you will never complete your learning journey and grab every opportunity to learn new skills. More and more workplaces now encourage their staff to be committed to lifelong learning, offering learning skills through formal and informal pathways. Self-evaluation is particularly important when choosing learning through informal pathways, as formal assessments are less likely to take place in such settings.

In many instances you will find that fear of failure is what's holding you back in which case you need to do some soul searching to overcome that and use some self-talk to talk yourself into it.

Self-discipline is perhaps one of the most valuable traits you can develop and one of the most effective ways to bring about positive change in your life.

In conclusion, the importance of self-evaluation is that it allows young people to further their own learning journey and career by allowing them to reflect on their own performance from an outside perspective, enable them to really learn what their strengths and weaknesses are. This means they will be able to see what points they have that they can further cultivate and grow, and which points within they need further attention. This will allow them to succeed in their career.

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