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Karaieva T.V. English language advisor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sc., associate professor

The importance of effective strategy development for grain and food sub-complex in Ukraine has been considered in the article. Basic measures concerning grain and food sub-complex reconstruction have been given.

Domestic enterprises equipment of grain and food sub-complex is both superfluously obsolete and technologically out-of-date. Thus, producing grain and products of its processing are too much manual labor consuming. In recent years home agricultural machine-building practically stopped the equipment production for grain and food sub-complex, there are no strategically important technical developments for new technologies (NT) in grain production [1, p. 119].

The purpose of the article is theoretical and methodological principles development for grain and food sub-complex forming and functioning in Ukraine.

Thus, strategy of technical and technological re-equipment of grain and food sub-complex needs to have such basic directions as reconstruction of already existed specialized enterprises producing grain; constructing of new sub-complex enterprises; grain production on farms and sole rural farms [1, p. 122].

Scientific and technological provisions for further grain and food sub-complex development strategy of enterprises should be based on the first-priority and applied advances aggregation of science enabling to manage grain production components biosynthesis on the basis of genetic and cell engineering. It is also strategically important to introduce significant developments of the enterprises having their own energy supply, including biological fuel for engines made from seed oil, bio-gas made from organic matter (plant residues), heat and electricity sources based on the solar energy utilization and such like. These measures enable to improve grain and food sub-complex economy.

For realization of subcomplex technical re-equipment program it is necessary to work out and introduce the innovative project "Production development and introduction of resource-saving equipment units of new generation for grain and food sub-complex enterprises reconstruction functioning on the basis of environmentally safe technologies" in state scale [2, p. 120].

Special attention in the arrangements system concerning grain and food sub-complex reconstruction should be payed to officials, experts and workers gaining experience and retraining at these enterprises as well as to their data warehousing provision.

Under present conditions having been already formed in the grain and food sphere it is necessary to create powerful project and consulting center enabling to possess functioning structures in regions for disseminating information facilitating effective production running. Such a center could function as state non-profit autonomous organization founded by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine for fulfilling different tasks [3, p. 6].

While planning the objects of grain and food production the enterprise operations (technological audit) are being in the focus of research as well as optimal measures for grain production reconstructing are being proposed; material and technical financial resources and modernisation economic effectiveness have been calculated. The state itself participates in subsidizing of expenditures on material and technical resources, equipment purchasing as well as in credit subsidizing. There should be direct interrelation between modernization projects availability and sub-complex objects necessary to gear to the presence of projects of modernisation of subcomplex objects being the subject of such modernizartion.

On the basis of information given above the following conclusions should be made:

1) the strategy for further development of grain and food sub-complex has to include reconstruction of already functioning enterprises specializing in grain production as well as constructing new enterprises of sub-complex; producing grain on farm and individual agrarian households;

2) special place should be given to enriching executives, experts and all those working at these enterprises with innovative technologies, their training and retraining as well as information provision in the course of grain and food sub-complex reconstruction;

3) grain and food sub-complex technological modernization is the chance to survive for the enterprises under severe competition. It is worth of directing the further researching to find out the ways increasing the efficiency of cooperatives being engaged in sub-complex servicing to solve the problem of grain production competitiveness.

Date: 2015-07-25; view: 251; Нарушение авторских прав; Помощь в написании работы --> СЮДА...

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