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Kravets O.O. English language advisor. У статті розглядаються права та можливості участі жінки у житті сучасного суспільства

У статті розглядаються права та можливості участі жінки у житті сучасного суспільства. Наведені дані соціологічного опитування студенів ТДАТУ.


The gender stereotypes that prevail in the Ukrainian society cause the disadvantageous position of women in the politics, on the labor market and in other spheres. The occurrence of sexism in the advertisements and mass media aggravates and strengthens the idea of passivity, subordination, dependence and defendlessness of women before men.

The purpose of our article is to analyze the attitude to women’s rights in our country, to explain what is a gender policy in a whole, and to show the results of the poll which was hold among the students of TSATU; and finally to talk about the measures which can change the situation in this question.
So, gender policy is a policy which aims to give women and men equal rights and opportunities in all spheres of public and private life. Gender politics is always a reflection of the specific social and cultural reality.

The principle of equal rights of women and men is stipulated in the Constitution of Ukraine. Specifically, Article 24 guarantees equal rights and opportunities to all citizens and prohibits restrictions on grounds of gender. Article 24 states: “Equality of the rights of women and men is ensured by providing women with opportunities equal to those of men, in public and political, and cultural activity, in obtaining education and in professional training, in work and its payment.”

By regret, the situation in our country is not always complying with the Constitution. Discrimination against women and the violation of their rights are observed in all areas of society.

According to the data of the Department of Civil Service in Ukraine, in the legislature we can find only 5.1 percent of women, among the heads of central and local executive bodies - 7 percent, among the owners of the largest Corporate Business structures there are no women at all, among the owners of small and medium businesses there are 20 percent of women.

Women's wages are almost at 30% less than men’s one. It is very difficult to find a job for women, because the employer gives the preference to men. The media highlights the stereotypical image of women and men.

The opinion poll which was hold among the students of TSATU showed the ambiguous result. Here they are:


Questions men women
Can men and women receive the same salary for the same work? 84%  
Can women held a leading position in management? 86%  
Do you think that the work results depend upon the sex of the person? 78% 21%
Can women be more educated than men? 91%  
Do women think that men limit their rights? 70% 65%
If a man and a woman are the co-owners of business, can they work together without any serious conflicts? 100%  
Should there be an equal share of men and women in Supreme Council? 28% 45%
Can women be the President of Ukraine? 35%  


As you can see the men of our university have standard opinion. They do not think that women must have the equal rights with men. We find discrimination in the questions of salary, leading position in business, education, and politics.

By the way, Ukrainian scientist’s research has found that gender policy causes physical and psychological harm to women as well as men. In the men’s blood the level of testosterone steadily decline, and in the blood of women increase, but the most interesting thing that psycho-emotional behavior of women is becoming more aggressive, and men’s behavior becomes mild. Scientists predict that in the next millennium gender differences at the biological level will be minimized.

For the first time in the history of independent Ukraine, the issue of gender equality is reflected in the activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 2003 in section 2.2. "Creating conditions for the full harmonious development of man”, then the President of Ukraine issued a decree in 2005 "On improvement of central and local executive bodies on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men" and Supreme Council of Ukraine in 2005 adopted the Law of Ukraine "On ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men."

These were the first steps aimed at acknowledging of women’s rights. We think that changes must be started in the family. The great attention to this problem has to be paid by mass media and culture.

Equality between men and women is an integral part of human rights; it is also a prerequisite of democracy and social justice.

Список літератури.

1. http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/2004/0157/analit04.php

2. http://2000.net.ua/2000/derzhava/obschestvo/42604

3. http://health-ua.com/articles/1585.html



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