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Case notes of a nurse

Ward Sister Sarah Browne is responsible for the welfare of 28 patients on two wards at the London hospital where she (work) for the last 6 years. She (direct) a staff of 12 working in three shifts. There are also as many as 15 student nurses who (assign) to the ward at any one time. It (calculate), she says, that 200 people - doctors, nurses, visitors, students - (move) through her general and acute medical ward in a day. Sister Browne, who is 39, (qualify) as a nurse 20 years ago. She (work) as a clinical teacher and (do) research into psychotherapy for former smokers. Her working week easily (exceed) the 37 hours she is supposed to work. 08.45 The morning report (just/end) and Sister Browne (listen) as a qualified nurse (explain) the insulin injection she is about to give to a diabetic patient. 09.38 Sister Browne (chat) by the bedside of an 85-year-old woman who (wait) for a place in a home for two and a half years.

i1 33 Sister Browne (just/interrupt) by a telephone call. Whatever she (do), she finds herself being summoned to deal with queries and occasional emergencies. Whenever she (enter) a room, she (switch) on a light by the door to show staff and patients that she (arrive). All the nurses (wear) flat white shoes which are essential to lessen the strain of being on their feet virtually all day. The floors are hard but Sister Browne says she (get used) to them and hardly (notice) her aching feet any more.

12.18 Sister Browne (have) a kind word with an elderly patient who (recently/admit) and is very concerned about her dog and four cats. Pets are a particular prob­lem for elderly patients who (live) alone for some time.

15.01 Sister Browne (joke) with a patient who is about to (take) to another part of the hospital for an X-ray. The ward (specialise) in chest diseases and Sister Browne (ban) smoking.

15.55 Now that her shift nearly (finish) Sister Browne (snatch) a moment's rest before driving home. She will be up again at six tomorrow to do the same shift.



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