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The use of tenses in the Passive voice


The Passive voice is formed with the help of the auxiliary be in the appropriate form and the Past Participle of the main verb (see Table 13).

Tense Structure Example
Present Simple am/are/is + Past Participle English is spoken here.
Past Simple was/were + Past Participle His leg was hurt in an accident.
Future Simple shall/will + Past Participle The matter will be discussed tomorrow.
Present Cont. am/are/is being + Past Participle She is being interviewed now.
Past Continuous was/were being + Past Participle I felt I was being watched.
Present Perfect have/has been + Past Participle My brother has never been beaten in tennis.
Past Perfect had been + Past Participle The bridge had been built by winter time.
Future Perfect will have been + Past Participle Everything will have been done by Tuesday.

Note 1: Future Continuous Passive (will be being + Past Participle) and Perfect Continuous Passive (have been being + Past Participle, etc.) are unusual and are not normally used. Note 2: Passive Infinitives are used with 'to' or without 'to' in the same way as Active Infinitives: e.g.

The pupils must be warned about the change in the time-table. The letter doesn 't have to be sent



The use of the verb-tenses in the passive voice is determined by the same principles as in the active voice. Yet a passive construction is not merely a transformation of the active one. It is made to show that the subject of a sentence is not the

doer of the action but the receiver of it. Hence the passive

voice has its own uses marked by the shift of focus from the doer of the action to the action itself which is typical of more formal speech.

Customers are requested to ask for a receipt. When were you told about the new rules? The floor is filthy. It must be scrubbed.


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