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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Present Perfect Continuous

My wife and I (live) in our present house in the country for five years. We (move) here after our second child (be) born. We (live) in town for ten years, and then (decide) that as soon as we could afford it we (move) away from the smoke and the noise of the city centre, which we finally (do) in 1985. We never (regret) it. We (be) reminded of the wisdom of our decision every morning when we (draw) the curtains to see open fields stretching before us. When the children (have I breakfast they (rush) outside to play which they (do) whatever the weather.

в. Present Simple/Future Simple/Present Continuous/Present Perfect

Actually we (think) of moving. My wife (accept) a new job which she (start) next month. As soon as she (start) she (have) a journey of fifteen miles there and back and I (not/ think) that she (realize) just how tiring this business (be). I already (decide) that I (get) in touch with some estate agents. I (not/feel) happy until we (find) a house closer to my wife's job. I wonder what the children (say) when they (hear) that we (move).

7. Present Simple/Past Simple/Future Simple/

Present Continuous/Present Perfect/Present

Perfect Continuous

Dear Ann,

I (receive) your letter about two weeks ago and (try) to find time to write you back ever since. I (be) very busy lately. For the past two weeks I (have) four tests, and I (have) another test next week. In addition, a friend (stay) with me since last Thursday. She (be) fond of sightseeing, so we (spend) a lot of time visiting some of the interesting places here. Between showing her the city and studying for my exams, I barely (have) enough time to breathe. Right now it (be) 3 a.m. and I (sit) here for five hours doing my studying. My friend's plane (leave) at 6.05, so I (decide) not to go to bed. That's why I (write) to you at such an early hour in the day. I (get) a little sleepy, but I would rather stay up. I (take) a nap after I (get) back from taking her to the airport.

How you (get) along? How your classes (go)'l Please, write soon.



8. Present Simple/Past Simple/Present Continuous/

Past Continuous/Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous

You (hear) the latest news? Jane (get) married soon! When I first (hear) about it, two days ago, I (ring) her up to congratulate her. 'We (think) about it for a long time', she said, 'but we only (make) up our minds recently. We (quarrel) so many times since we first (start) to go out together, but we always (make) it up. You (remember) that Mark (go) to the USA two years ago? And all the time he (work) there, I (go) out with someone else but I (know) Mark (be) the person I really (love). Since he (come) back we (not/quarrel), so we (th ink) we'll be happy. He (live) quite near me now, so we (see) more of each other. And frankly speaking we (grow) more tolerant of each other's faults lately. We (not/have) an argument since the day before yesterday!'

9. Present Simple/Past Simple/Present Continuous/

Past Continuous/Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous

-What you (do) with yourself lately? I (not/see) you for over a month.

-1 (be) to Stockholm since I last (see) you.

- Really? How long you (be) there and what you (do)!

- Nearly three weeks. I (do) some research at the Royal Library. I think I already (tell) you that I (work) on a book about Scandinavia.

-Yes. How it (go)!

- Not so bad. I (hope) to have it in the hands of the publisher by the end of the year.

10. Present Simple/Past Simple/Present

Continuous/Past Continuous/Present

Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous

Yes, I'm at Georgina's house this evening. What I (do) he­re? I (baby-sit). She and her husband (go) to a party. Four -four children. They (be) usually rather wild. I (baby-sit) here once when they all (start) screaming. But they (be) very good at the moment. I can see the youngest now in the room next door. She (eat) a huge box of chocolates that Georgina (give) me before she (leave). The others (find) a tin of paint and happily (paint) the walls of the kitchen. They (assure) me that they (do) this before and that their mother and father (have) no objection then. I only (hope) that they (tell) me the truth. One of them (get) himself in a bit of a mess. I (try) to clean him up with paint remover, but so far without much success.

77. Present Simple/Past Simple/Present

Continuous/Past Continuous/Present Perfect/Past

Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous

Brenda Pearl (join) our firm ten years ago. She (work) for the previous five years with an advertising company and (acquire) much useful experience. For the first eight years with us she (work) in the Sales Department and (work) there when I (become) Managing Director. Since then she (work) as my personal assistant and (prove) herself to be outstan­dingly capable on many occasions. She (work) on the top floor, in an office next to mine, but at the moment she (work) in London on a special assignment.

72. Past Simple/Past Continuous/Past Perfect

Last week I (have) a funny experience. I (be) on my own in the house because my husband (go away) on a business trip.

The first evening I (feel) rather tired as I (spend) the day shopping and cleaning. After supper I (watch) television for a while and then (decide) to go to bed early. I just (go) to lie down when I (hear) the sounds of men's voices, talking quietly. I (be) terrified. I (get) out of bed, and (creep) down­stairs. The voices (come) from the sitting-room. I (tremble) all over. I slightly (open) the door and then (laugh) with relief. In my tiredness I (forget) to turn off the television...

13. Past Simple/Past Continuous/Past Perfect The Australian Salute

Before I (visit) Australia, an Australian friend in London (tell) me that I (learn) the Australian salute there. 'What's that?' I (ask). 'You (find out) when you (get) there', he (say). I (arrive) in Sydney 2 weeks after my talk with the friend and (stay) at a nice hotel near a beautiful beach. I never (visit) Australia before and I (enjoy) my stay immensely. I (swim) every day and die) in the sun. One day an Australian friend (suggest) a tour into 'the bush'*. I (agree) at once. The first thing I (notice) when we (be) in the bush (be) the flies. After a while I (remember) the conversation I (have) in London before I (come) there. 'What's the Australian salute?' I (ask) suddenly, as I (wave) my right arm to keep the flies away. «That's it!» my friend (say), as he (wave) back!

14. Past Simple/Past Continuous/Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous

I (go) to London for the first time in 1990 when I (be) just a child. My parents (be) already there many times so they (know) the city well. But they never (be) there with a child.

so they saw a different side of London with me. We (go) out every day and (have) a fantastic time. My parents (study) English for many years so they (have) no difficulty with the language. It (rain) while we (be) there but we (pack) all our waterproof clothes so it (be) no problem. When the time (come) to leave, I (feel) quite sad because I (have) such a good time.

15. Past Simple/Past Continuous/Past Perfect

This time last year I (cycle) in the rain along a country road in France with a friend of mine. We (decide) to go on a cycling holiday in Normandy. Neither of us (be) to France before, but we (know) some French from our time at school and we (manage) to brush up on the basics. Now we (won­der) if we (make) the right decision. We (plan) our route carefully in advance, but we (forget) one important thing, the weather. It (rain) solidly since our arrival and that night we (end up) sleeping in the waiting room at a railway station. Then the next morning as we (ride) down a steep hill my bike (skid) on the wet road and I (fall off). I (realize) imme­diately that I (break) my arm, and after a visit to the local hospital I (catch) the next train to Calais for the ferry home. Unfortunately my parents (not/expect) me home for a fort­night, and (go) away on holiday. So I (spend) a miserable couple of weeks alone, reading «Teach Yourself French».

16. Present Simple/Past Simple/Future Simple/

Present Perfect/Past Perfect/Past

Perfect Continuous

Yesterday I (receive) a phone call from an old friend who I (not/hear) from for months. I (ask) him what he (do) lately, and he told me that he (spend) the past three months sailing around the world on an old-fashioned sailing ship. I always

(love) everything to do with the sea, so I was very excited to hear that he (manage) to do something so thrilling. I (ask) him if we (can) get together soon and (make) him promise that he (bring) all the photos he (take). When he (come) next week, Г11 expect him to tell me exactly what the trip (he) like.

17. Past Simple/Present Continuous/Present Perfect/Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous

Yesterday evening Sally (miss) the last bus home because she (work) late at the office, so she (decide) to get a taxi. She (get) into the first one that (come) along, but immediately (regret) that she (do) so, because the driver (seem) a bit crazy. After he (go) through the third red light at top speed Sally said, 'You (drive) a bit too fast. Please slow down. I (be) in two car accidents already in my life'. 'That's nothing', (reply) the driver. 'I (be) in over a hundred!'

18. Present Simple/Past Simple/Past Continuous/ Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous

I (walk) down the street the other day when I (bump) into an old friend of mine. We (be) friends at university but we (lose) touch. We (talk) for a few minutes and he (tell) me that he (work) with computers for the past two years. I (can) hardly believe it; he (do) a drama degree at university and (act) in several films when he was younger. It (be) funny how things (turn out) sometimes.

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