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Cover Letters

Written communication - whether hard copy or e-mail - serves many purposes in a job search. In a thorough job search, you will write many types of letters. Cover letters, which accompany and introduce your resume (so called because you place the letter on top of, and thus cover, your resume), are the ones you may hear about most, but are not the only letters you will need. Letters also precede, follow-up and confirm verbal conversations, so they serve as a record and reminder of interactions, as well as evidence of your communication skills. Your resume or CV should always be accompanied by a cover letter. This gives you an opportunity to give it some context.

The cover letter is the principal way in which you can demonstrate your understanding of the employing organization and how you relate to its values, ethos and aspirations. While your CV sets out the skills you have for the post, your cover letter more explicitly presents your motivation and adaptability. A cover letter is intended to: demonstrate to the employer your interest in and knowledge of the company, highlight particular parts of your CV that are your unique selling points, draw attention to additional information that does not fit easily into a CV, as well as explain any personal circumstances in your application.

The following format provides a useful overview for a letter:

  • Briefly introduce yourself, state what position you’re applying for and where you saw it advertised. For a speculative letter, specify the type of work you’re looking for.
  • Explain why you’re interested in this type of work, demonstrating an understanding of what it’s likely to involve.
  • Explain why you’re interested in working for this particular employer. Demonstrate enthusiasm and evidence of research into such aspects as their successes, involvements, values or clients.
  • Highlight the ways in which you’re suitable for this position. Provide evidence of your key strengths by referring to experience listed on your CV. Aim to show that your key strengths reflect the requirements of the employer and position.
  • Take the opportunity, if necessary, to explain any anomalies in your background, such as any time gaps or any ways in which you don’t match the selection criteria. Perhaps explain how any hurdles you’ve encountered have helped you develop in a positive way.
  • Indicate availability for interview.


I. Study the cover letter and an acceptance letter below paying attention at their arrangement. Translate them into Russian.

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