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Sample Professionals` Bios


Read and translate the following professionals` bios and relevant information and make up a similar bio for yourself in the third person.



Michael Alin
Executive Director, American Society of Interior Designers
608 Massachusetts Avenue NE
Washington, D.C. 20002
Ph: 202-546.3480
Fax: 202.546.3240
[email protected]


Alin has served as ASID’s executive director since 1998. Before joining ASID, Alin spent more than 20 years in academic and museum continuing education. His previous work includes service as assistant vice president and director of the Center for Professional Development at the University of Maryland, University College; and director of Continuing Education at the Johns Hopkins University; and associate director of the Smithsonian Institution’s Resident Associate Program. He is a graduate of the Maxwell School of Syracuse University and served in the U.S. Navy.



Ray C. Anderson
Founder and Chairman
Interface, Inc.
100 Chastain Center Blvd., #165
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Ph: 770.420.6649
Fax: 707.499.2471
[email protected]


Anderson has embarked on a mission to make Interface a sustainable corporation by leading a world-wide effort to pioneer the processes of sustainable development. Named one of America’s “100 Best Companies to Work For,” in 1997 and 1998 by Fortune magazine, Interface is a global organization with sales in 110 countries and manufacturing facilities on four continents. Anderson’s awards include: the Millennium Award from Global Green (presented by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1996); Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year for the Southeast region. He was named co-chairman of the President’s Council on Sustainable Development in 1997. He was the first corporate CEO to be honored with the George and Cynthia Mitchell International Prize for Sustainable Development. Anderson is a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology.


Penny S. Bonda
Director, Environmental Communications
EnvironDesign Works
800 25th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
Ph: 202.669.8632
Fax: 202.625.2181
[email protected]

As a practicing interior designer with 27 years experience, Bonda has headed her own firm and worked for Rita St. Clair Associates, the Hillier Group and Burt Hill Kosar Rittelmann. EnvironDesign Works is producer of Green@Work magazines and is in charge of the annual environmental design conference for the building and business communities. In 1996, she served as national president for ASID. As an interior designer, Bonda worked for an impressive array of clients from a variety of market sectors including government, corporate, health care and hospitality. Many projects have won design awards and have been featured in national design publications. She is a graduate of the American University in Washington, D.C.


Ben Crawford, AIA
Pickard Chilton
980 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT 06510
Ph: 203.786.8600
Fax: 203.786.8610
[email protected]

Crawford is a designer and architect with a variety of project experience. He began his career with FKP Architects of Houston as a project designer on major healthcare projects including the Ambulatory Care Clinic Building of the Texas Children’s Hospital and the renovation of the 1927 Chemistry building at Rice University, to create modern laboratory and classroom space.

In 2001, Crawford moved to Pickard Chilton, where he leads design teams on corporate office projects including Potomac Yard, a 1.05-million sf development in Arlington, Va.; and the State of Minnesota Departments of Agriculture & Health Office building. He is a 1991 graduate of Rice University.

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