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Economist Resume Template


Mary K. Smith
1234 Center Street
Dallas, TX 75000
Home: 214-555-5555
Cell: 214-555-5556
Email: [email protected]

Objective: An innovative economist performing policy-relevant economic and statistical research.
Qualification Summary:  Excellent IT skills related to data manipulation and interpretation  Statistical proficiency and practical experience in research analysis  Strong communication skills  Demonstrated expertise in decision making and policy formulation  Outstanding ability to work with a wide range of clients and stakeholders
Education: University of Texas Ph.D: Economics Fields of concentration: International Economics, Econometrics Minors: Business Statistics, Economics Development 2006
  Texas A&M University MA: Economics Minor: E-Marketing, and International Relations 2000
Work Experience: (2) Senior Economist, City of Dallas Dallas, Texas 75000 Conduct empirical research on natural resource issues and formulate pragmatic policy recommendations based on the research. Analyze research at a strategic level to influence future investment and development across the region. Review economic and other analytical work programs in close collaborationwith city managers and task teams responsible for local and regional programs to ensure consistency with strategic objectives, and prepare policy reports and articles. August 2002 - present
  Economist I, City of Dallas Dallas, Texas 75000 Conducted high-quality research on economic, political economy, or political aspects of environmental policy issues. Provided leadership in developing inter- and multi- disciplinary research programs on environmental issues. Analyzed energy policy and natural resource policy. Performed economic analyses of various aspects of regional integration, including trade, infrastructure, and management of shared resources. March 2000 - August 2002
  Associate Economist, City of Garland Garland, Texas 75000 Prepared charts and tables for analysis and presentations. Monitored current regional events to identify emerging economic trends and issues. Analyzed economic factors to determine relationships between regional trends and growth potential of various markets and business developments. Reviewed city-wide issues regarding the protection and management of natural resources. June March 1997 – March 2000
Professional Affiliations: Financial Economics Network member American Economic Association member

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