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Reference library

a place containing a lot of reference books that you can read there but cannot take away

refer verb

The books are all right!. I wasn't referring to the books.

3. question verb

1. to ask someone questions formally or officially:

Witnesses are reminded of their duty to tell the truth when questioned in court. A hundred employers were questioned in the survey.

2. to have or express doubts about something:

, Some historians question the validity of oral data. question the wisdom/logic/merit of something: She was beginning to question the wisdom of publishing her work so quickly.

question someone's motives:

I don't think it's fair to question his motives.

questionable adj.

1.possibly not true, accurate, or complete:

The success of the novel seems highly questionable.

2.probably not good, honest, or worth admiring:

questionable behaviour/conduct/practices

questionable whether:

It is questionable whether we should publish these morally

dubious books.

questionably adv.

4. damage noun

1 physical harm caused to something so that it is broken, spoiled, or injured:

Mr Charlston surveyed the damage caused by the bulldozer. damage to: Damage to the building could take six months to repair. suffer damage: The house suffered only superficial damage in the fire.

la. emotional or mental harm caused to someone:

This kind of literature can do damage to children.

2] negative effects on someone or something:

untold damage (=damage that is impossible to measure):

This publication caused untold damage to his political reputation.

what's the damage? (HUMOROUS)

used for asking someone how much you have to pay them

damage verb

I.to harm something physically so that it is broken, spoiled, or injured:

badly/severely/seriously/extensively damage:

The house had been severely damaged by fire.

2.to have a negative effect on someone or something:

Reading pulp fiction could damage teenagers' literary taste.

damaging adj.

1. causing physical harm to something so that it is broken, spoiled, or injured.

damaging to: Reading in bed is damaging to your health.

2. having a negative effect on someone or something: Increased number of ephemeral books almost certainly have a

damaging effect on the readers' taste.

damaging for: The new tax laws could be very damaging for small publishing houses.

5. pivot noun

the most important thing that something is based on or depends on.

Tax reform has become the central pivot of their domestic policy.

She seemed to be revolving on a noisy, creaking pivot through the smoky air: Pivot is a central pin or spindle round which something turns or revolves.

pivot verb

to turn or balance on a central point, to turn around quickly on your feet.

She pivoted on her hill and left the room without a word.

pivotal adj.

extremely important and affecting how something develops:

A pivotal moment in the history of book-making.

He played a pivotal role in the negotiations.

A pivotal moment is something that determines the whole outcome of

a situation.

pivotal to: He sees these changes as pivotal to the development of literature.

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